Monday, November 2, 2020

Dolly's Spirit Conveys Her Presence Through a Special E-Card

Our Weimaraner Dolly has been reaching out to several of our friends and providing them unique and uncanny signs that she's okay on the other side. Spirits connect to our energy and our energy connects to those we know and love, so she has been reaching out to others to let them know she is very much around. It's not just anyone either. It's friends who have reached out to us asking if we've seen signs, and showing us care and concern after her passing. This time, Dolly did it through an E-card of her namesake that was shown to our friends. Here's the story:

Anne Marie wrote:  I imagine you’re getting a lot of these, but I wanted to share one I got! We were visiting some friends of ours, George and Hannah. Recently it was Hannah’s birthday, and times being what they are, she got an E-Card from someone. She liked it so much, she used it to send to another friend of hers.

During our visit, Hannah was looking to show us something on her computer, and she said, “First, I have to show you this. This is so great.” And I then watched Dolly Parton sing Happy Birthday to Matt (whoever he is). And I looked at my husband and I said, “Dolly? OMG – that’s a sign!” What are the odds that she would have pulled that up. And Dolly was, after all, named after Ms. Parton. 

This is a wonderful example of how it works, because the chances of anyone showing you an electronic birthday card, and especially one featuring Dolly (Parton) are unfathomable.  

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