Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween from our House

Happy Halloween from our house to yours. Tyler is a Dunkin Donut today and Dash is a little monkey. Hope you have a great day.

Happy Halloween - What Does The Name “Frankenstein” Actually Mean?

Happy Halloween! Dictionary dot com provided a great blog for today- what does "Frankenstein" mean?


What Does The Name “Frankenstein” Actually Mean?

headshot of Frankenstein's monster

In 2012, as Halloween quickly approached, a Frankenstorm was sneaking up on the East Coast. Forecasters were calling the hurricane headed for New York, New Jersey, and as far inland as Ohio, “Frankenstorm” because (like the monster in Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus) this storm was stitched together from three different weather systems, Hurricane Sandy from the Caribbean, a western early winter storm, and a cold influx of Arctic wind from the north.

So does that mean the monster was also stitched together from three different things? Let’s see what Frankenstein actually means and why the prefix Franken- doesn’t really mean monster.

What does Frankenstein mean?

In German, the name Frankenstein translates to “stronghold of freemen,” most likely referring to various castles and battlements around the country that also carry the name.

Mary Shelley however, believed the name came to her in a vivid dream. In Shelley’s novel, Dr. Victor Frankenstein never names his creation. Instead he disowns the monster by refusing to name it, referring to it as “demon,” “thing,” “wretched devil,” and a long list of awful aliases.

Fear not, meteorologistsyou are not alone in the inaccurate “Franken-” ascription! With terms like “Frankenbike” (a bicycle pieced together from scavenged parts), “Frankenfood” (slang for genetically modified crops), “Frankenbite,” (a sound bite that’s been synthesized from many disparate quotations), or even Tim Burton’s film Frankenweenie about a dog brought back to life with electricity, the public loves to “Frankenize” words.

Voting? In April 2019, 157 Republicans Opposed the "Violence Against Women Act"

On April 4, 2019, Republicans told women that they basically don't care about violence against them. Here's the story:

157 REPUBLICANS OPPOSE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT The House passed legislation Thursday to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, despite opposition from the majority of Republicans, bowing to NRA pressure. The bill, which reauthorizes the landmark 1994 domestic violence law for another five years, easily passed. But 157 Republicans and one Democrat voted against it. 


WASHINGTON ― The House passed legislation Thursday to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, despite the vast majority of Republicans opposing it amid pressure from the National Rifle Association.
The bill, which reauthorizes the landmark 1994 domestic violence law for another five years, easily passed. But 157 Republicans voted against it, along with one Democrat, Rep. Collin Peterson (Minn.). For many of them, it was because the NRA was pushing them to oppose it over its gun safety provisions and warning that a vote in favor of the bill would be reflected in their NRA rating. 
Under current federal law, only people convicted of domestic violence offenses against spouses or family members can lose their gun rights. The VAWA would add people convicted of abusing their dating partners, closing the so-called “boyfriend loophole.” It would also prohibit people convicted of misdemeanor stalking offenses from owning or buying firearms, as well as abusers subject to temporary protective orders.
Most of the GOP caucus opposed the bill because of the gun measures, said Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.), one of 33 Republicans who voted for it.
“That seems to be the main issue,” said King, who has an F rating with the NRA. “I mean, there’s others as far as transgender [protections in the bill], but the main issue is the guns.”

The NRA has incredible sway over Republicans in Congress because of all the money it gives them ― and threatens to spend against them if they break from the group’s agenda. In the 2018 election cycle, it gave $690,950 to GOP congressional candidates versus $19,454 to Democratic congressional candidates. The gun rights organization spent nearly half a billion dollars in the 2016 election cycle, including $30 million on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign alone.
Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.) said Thursday that he had concerns about the gun provisions in the VAWA bill but said they were “secondary” to other things he didn’t like.
“You have so many jurisdictions of committees that this bill is intertwined [with], it’s very complicated,” said Thompson, who has an A rating with the NRA. “This hasn’t even been vetted in seven or eight other committees that may have some pieces of it.”
Peterson, the lone Democrat who opposed the bill and who has an A rating with the NRA, said the gun provisions were “partisan,” and that’s why he voted no.
I was disappointed that the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization was made partisan with the inclusion of language that would strip individuals’ right to due process with respect to their 2nd Amendment rights,” he said in a statement.



Friday, October 30, 2020

Dolly'Tells a Medium Which Spirits Greeted Her

During the early morning of Dolly's last day with us in the physical world, she and I had the oddest experience. We BOTH saw who in spirit was going to be waiting for her on the other side! I won't forget it. What's more, is that my friend Troy, also a medium texted me the next day and had no idea of my experience. Here's the story: 

(Photo: Dolly wearing her shark costume in 2018)

Spirit Visitors Overnight

Every night since our Dachshund Franklin passed, Dolly had difficulty sleeping alone in the kitchen. So, I always tossed blankets on the kitchen floor and lay with her until she fell asleep each night. On that last night, our youngest Dachshund, Tyler (who was bonded with Dolly) and I stayed together next to Dolly the entire night. At around 3 am, Dolly lifted her head high and stared at the door to the laundry room and den. She wouldn't move despite my attempts to get her to lay back down. Finally, I turned and looked at the door and saw the spirits of my mom and dad, our friend Ed, Franklin, Buzz and Sprite standing there. That's when I knew that helping her cross over was the right thing to do. 

Troy's Amazing Messages from Dolly

Our pets find ways to give us messages when we are grieving. My friend Troy is a medium with me in the Inspired Ghost Tracking Group. He sent me several texts the next morning after only seeing a brief note I put up on Facebook that Dolly passed. Troy said he was channeling Dolly, and wrote

"She has already been connected to and greeted by the other dogs (Franklin, Sprite and Buzz in spirit). I sense 3-4 people with her including a mother figure and 2 males." 

I was astounded. That was my mom and dad, and Ed, and our 3 dogs in spirit who all came to me and Dolly in the kitchen early in the morning of her passing!

Voting Military Folks?- Trump Called Fallen Troops "Losers"

If you're in the military, like my dad was, you should be pretty horrified at the Atlantic's report Here's the article from Politico. com (a non-partisan political news website): 
(corroborated with 2 other reputable outlets) that the "Commander in Chief" called American service members who died in World War I as “losers” and “suckers” in conversations with his staff during a visit to France in 2018. Story>

Trump scrambles to recover from report that he called fallen troops ‘losers’

‌President Donald Trump and his aides are scrambling to contain the fallout from reports that he made denigrating remarks about U.S. service members and America’s war dead.

Addressing reporters in the Oval Office, Trump again attacked The Atlantic for its account of him allegedly calling fallen Marines “losers” and “suckers,” and sought to defuse the escalating controversy. The Atlantic’s account was subsequently corroborated in part by news outlets including The Associated Press and The Washington Post, which reported other explosive allegations about the president’s perception of the nation’s military.

“It’s a fake story written by a magazine that was probably not going to be around much longer,” Trump said. Trump’s latest repudiation of The Atlantic report came hours after top Biden surrogates denounced the president in a press call — seizing upon a potential inflection point in a general election campaign that in recent days has left the Democratic nominee emphasizing his opposition to violence at protests against racial injustice and police brutality.

Trump canceled a planned 2018 visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris because he said the rainy weather would dishevel his hair and the burial ground was “filled with losers.”

On Friday, however, it was Trump who found himself playing defense, having to explain his support for the military less than two months from an election in which he will rely on a political base of voters made up of a disproportionately high percentage of veterans.

Biden and his campaign quickly pounced. The former vice president, who had been scheduled to give a speech on the economy in Delaware on Friday afternoon, instead spent much of the event rebuking Trump.

"I've just never been as disappointed in my whole career with a leader that I've worked with, president or otherwise," Biden said. "If the article is true, and it appears to be based on the things he said, it is absolutely damnable. It is a disgrace."

Earlier Friday morning, during the Biden campaign call, Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth said she was “appalled” by The Atlantic’s report, which alleged that Trump canceled a planned 2018 visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris because the rainy weather would dishevel his hair and the burial ground was “filled with losers.”

But Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran and Purple Heart recipient, also acknowledged she was “not shocked to hear yet more instances of Donald Trump belittling the sacrifices of those who have shown more bravery than he’s capable of.” Duckworth lost both legs when the Blackhawk helicopter she was co-piloting was shot by Iraqi insurgents in 2004.

“Of course he thinks about war selfishly. He thinks of it as a transactional cost instead of in human lives and American blood spilled, because that’s how he’s viewed his whole life. He doesn’t understand other people’s bravery and courage because he’s never had any of his own.”

Trump was mystified as to why the U.S. government placed value on finding soldiers who were missing in action because he believed “they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got,” according to the Washington Post.

 The remarks echoed disparaging comments about veterans that Trump made in 2015, insulting the late Sen. John McCain.  Don't forget DT's 2015 tweet calling McCain a "loser."

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Dolly's Spirit Gives Me a Message of Relief

Dreams are the easiest way for spirits to come through to us, and despite my grief, Dolly was able to come through and into my dreams. I think that's because Dolly and I have always shared a unique connection. We've always intuitively known what the other was thinking or was going to do. Here's the amazing, comforting dream Dolly gave me. 

I awoke at 5:30 a.m.from a dream where I was standing outside with Dolly. During the last 6 months of her life, because the nerves in her behind were weak, she couldn't feel when she had to have a bowel movement, so I had to massage her backside to get her to do number 2. Any parent would do it. 

In the dream, I was standing next to her on the grass. She looked back at me and said I didn't need to do that anymore. She assured me that she's regained her health and was fully healthy again in spirit. What a wonderful message to receive! 

Voting? Trump Stiffs Police on Over $800,000 Bill

Remember this article from July 6, 2019? Donald Trump and the Trump campaign owed over $800,000 to police and cities for his campaign rallies  In the News: Why the Trump campaign won’t pay police bills

We have several friends who are police officers, and some of them insisted on voting for Trump in the last election. They
said "Republicans support the police."  - Well, I think they've learned differently since 2016. 
WHY? It's Democrats who vote consistently to arm the police with vests, training, guns and equipment.
WHY NOT REPUBLICANS? - Not only do they CUT Police funds but the man they voted for in 2016 doesn't and hasn't paid them for his many rallies across the country.
  So if you're a police officer and you vote for a Republican- You are voting against your profession.
Here's the story 

In the News:  Why the Trump campaign won’t pay police bills
This story was published in partnership with NBC News and CNBC.


“Do we love law enforcement or what?” President Donald Trump asked a cheering crowd during his “Make America Great Again” political rally Oct. 12 in Lebanon, Ohio.  
“Thank you, law enforcement!” the president later told officers, who he called “heroes.”
But when Lebanon City Hall sent Trump’s campaign a $16,191 invoice for police and other public safety costs associated with his event, Trump didn’t respond. Trump’s campaign likewise ignored Lebanon officials’ follow-up reminders to cover the sum — one rich enough to fund the entire police force for nearly two days in this modest city of 21,000, between Dayton and Cincinnati.
The bill remains unpaid.

“There’s a lot of benefit when a president comes here: economic benefits, more visibility for our community,” Lebanon Mayor Amy Brewer said. “But I would hope and believe the Trump campaign would pay its bills. It’s our taxpayer dollars.”
The red ink Trump poured on Lebanon’s thin blue line is no anomaly.

At least nine other city governments — from Mesa, Arizona, to Erie, Pennsylvania — are still waiting for Trump to pay public safety-related invoices they’ve sent his presidential campaign committee in connection with his political rallies, according to interviews with local officials and municipal records obtained by the Center for Public Integrity.
Some invoices are three years old. In all, city governments say Trump’s campaign owes them at least $841,219.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

2 Musical Messages About Whom Dolly is With on the Other Side

Music is another way that our pets convey messages from the other side. Dolly continues to
give me signs from the afterlife, and these came in the form of 2 special songs played back to back. I wrote about these things in my Pets and the Afterlife books, and this will be included in a chapter on Dolly in the upcoming Pets 3 book (in January). Here's the story:

Musical Confirmations from Mom and Dad

Both of my parents met and loved Dolly. My dad passed in 2008 and my mom passed in 2013. I knew they would be on the other side to welcome Dolly, but Mom and Dad wanted to be sure I got the message and was comforted. 

Yesterday, I wrote about Jay's dream of Dolly and  his childhood dog. Right after seeing Jay's text, I was working on my blog while listening to classic country music from an on-line station. My mom's favorite song "Here You Come Again," by Dolly Parton played. It stopped me in my tracks. Mom was letting me know Dolly was with her. 

That song was immediately followed by my parents' anniversary song, "Through the Years" by Kenny Rogers. Mom and Dad were both telling me that Dolly is with them. Of course, I teared up through both songs, but it was a nice confirmation from them (and Dolly). 

VOTING? Remember This: Giant Pile of House Bills Dead in Senate

The House of Representatives (Democratic majority) passed many bills from lowering the cost of prescription drugs to  However, those Bills never became law because of 1 man. Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, who runs the Senate, and REFUSED to bring these bills to a vote. WHY?? Like with President Obama, he wants nothing to be accomplished for the good of the citizens of the U.S. - so we have to wonder why he hasn't been thrown in prison for Obstruction of Government. Regardless, This is what the Republican Party has done to the Citizens of the U.S. - Blocked all benefits. Remember this during the upcoming election. Here's the story from Newsweek in December 2019. VOTE THEM OUT

Giant Pile of "dead" House-Passed Bills Stopped with Mitch McConnell's Senate
US. Senators are sharing photographs of the growing pile of bills passed by the House only to stymie on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's desk.
The stack, a symbolic replication of legislation McConnell refuses to bring to a vote, was reportedly the brain child of Senator Debbie Stabenow. According to her office, it includes more than 300 bills about voter registration, background checks for firearm sales, domestic violence, climate change, minimum wage increases and other issues.
The do-nothing strategy spearheaded by McConnell's office seems intentional, Democrats claim. Back in September, McConnell promised to be a "grim reaper" to any and all progressive legislation. But, as multiple Senators pointed out Wednesday, more than 275 of these "dead" bills cleared the House with bipartisan support.

Bills Stuck in the Senate
The pile of more than 275 bipartisan bills that stymie on Senator Mitch McConnell's desk is photographed on December 18, 2019 in the U.S. Capitol.SENATOR SHELDON WHITEHOUSE TWITTER

In a press conference meant to highlight the "legislative graveyard" Tuesday morning, Stabenow said that the American people expect Congress to pass legislation "that will improve their lives and improve the lives of their families." 
McConnell's office did not immediately respond to Newsweek emails and calls requesting comment about why he hasn't brought the packages to a vote in his chamber and whether he intends to in the foreseeable future.
To construct the pile, staffers printed out the exact language of the bills, excluding appropriations measures, that passed the House and await action in the Senate. Measures that passed with at least one Republican co-sponsor or vote in the House were considered "bipartisan," according to Stabenow's office.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Another Sign from Dolly's Spirit: In Jay's Dream

In my Pets and the Afterlife books, I tell people that dreams are the easiest ways for spirits to
convey they are okay on the other side.Sometimes, when someone is grieving a loss (like me), the spirit will go to someone we know, whom they are sure will convey the dream to the grieving person. That's exactly what Dolly did with our friend Jay in another state. (BTW, I'm finishing Pets vol. 3, and this will be in Dolly's chapter). 

Here's the story: 

Dolly Comes into Jay's Dreams

On Oct. 25, my friend Jay in Rhode Island texted me that he had a dream of his boyhood Dachshund, Heidi. In the dream,he said Heidi was playing with a Weimaraner. He said it had to be Dolly. He said he knew of no other Weimaraner. 

   What's interesting here, too is that Heidi passed in 1985! That's proof that it doesn't matter how long our pets are gone, they still let us know they're around. Of course, we also know that Dolly would always find a Dachshund to play with on the other side, since her brothers are all Dachshunds. 

Voting? Today's GOP 36 Imprisoned for Crimes in 2019

Are you a conservative?  If you are, you may think the Today's Republican Party has lost its way, and you're right.  37
prominent Republicans in 2019 who went to jail, or pled guilty. Only 1 remains in office.   What's sad is that the party claims to stand for Fiscal Responsibility (we are over $1 trillion in DEBT), Moral/Christian values (read below about all the sexual molesters and adulterers, and child molesters). These are people who hate people of color, gay people and people who are anything other than Christian. They have totally LOST their way.
 If you support the party- you're voting for these kinds of people you are supporting these kinds of people. Think about it. Here is the list of them and links to the news sources about them.>>

- Child porn found on phone of Pennsylvania Republican State Senator Mike Folmer.

- Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.

- Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

- Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.

- Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

- Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.

- Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to 3 years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.

- Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.

- Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.

- Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

- Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.

- Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.

- Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

- Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.

- Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children, two of them his own children.

- Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.

- Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.

- Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.

- Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16-year-old girl when he was 28.

- Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

- Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.

- Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

- Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year-old boy and possession of child pornography.

- Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year-old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

- Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

- Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11-year-old girl.

- Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year-old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

- Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

- Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to 2 years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year-old girl.

- Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e., exposing himself to children).

- Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year-old girl.

- Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.

- Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

- Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl.

- Rep. Jim Jordan, the powerful Republican congressman from Ohio, is accused of failing to stop the team doctor from molesting former wrestlers he coached more than two decades ago at Ohio State University. "It's sad for me to hear that he's denying," said one former wrestler. "I don’t know why he would, unless it’s a cover-up."

- Republican Roy Moore from Alabama – We all know, enough said.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Voting? Trump Disrespectful to National Anthem (many times)

If you have a short term memory, I'm reminding you that the "Commander in Chief" who railed against football players kneeling during the National Anthem, was play-acting as a conductor during it and doing other stupid things. So, For those of you who have criticized football players and like D.T. understand that his actions are WORSE. Here's the reminder and Proof.

Trump was chastised Monday after video footage showed him goofing off as the national anthem played during a Super Bowl party at his West Palm Beach golf resort. As everyone else around Trump (including his wife and youngest son) stood solemnly with their hands over their hearts, Trump pointed at people and pretended to conduct the music. 

The NY Post reported on Feb. 4, 2020: The 50-second clip, posted on Instagram and reported by the Miami Herald, shows Trump fiddling around as he stands between first lady Melania Trump and their teenage son, Barron — who are both still, with their hands over their hearts. The anthem, sung by Demi Lovato, can be heard blaring in the room at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club. As the music reaches a peak, Trump can be seen raising both hands in the air and moving them as if to conduct an invisible orchestra. The video was recorded in selfie mode and posted to the Instagram story of a real estate agent for a Russian American firm who has been known to hang out at Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties, according to the Herald.

Dolly's Spirit Sends a Sign to Jane 300 Miles Away

Because many of you know that I'm a medium and I have many friends who are tuned in to
how people and pets communicate from the afterlife, they let me know when there's a sign from me from a loved one or if they received a sign from someone they know. Since Dolly passed last Thursday, Oct. 22nd, she's been quite active. In fact, I've written a chapter in my upcoming Pets and the Afterlife 3 book about her signs (as well as Franklin's from May 2020).
(Photo of Dolly from April 20, 2020) 
   Here's one: 

On Oct. 23, my friend Jane from Mass. texted me to see if I received a sign from Dolly. Within an hour, Dolly came to her knowing she would share the sign with me.

 Here's the story in Jane's words: On Friday, October 23, I finished up work and checked my social media. I saw the sad news on the blog that my friend Rob's Weimaraner, Dolly had passed away. I immediately sent Rob a text message saying how sorry I was and that I was looking forward to hearing about any messages he would get from her. I then went for my nightly walk. 

Shortly after starting my walk I took a left turn instead of going straight like I normally do. [Dolly obviously influenced her to take that path]. A few minutes later I heard a rustling in the leaves coming from the woods beside me. Out of the woods stepped this beautiful Weimaraner dog, he was alone. He stood and looked straight at me, barked and then turned around and ran back into the woods. I was taken by surprise because I had just texted to Rob about Dolly. I tried to go after the dog but when I went in to look he was gone

 Jane texted me about this and asked if it was a sign from Dolly that I needed to share with you. I told her it was indeed! 

Jane also noted that she had never seen that Weimaraner before and she's been walking that neighborhood for quite a while. 

 Spirits can make things happen to convey their presence. They influence us to do things that we normally wouldn't do, like having Jane take a different route so that she would run into that Weimaraner. There's no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to spirit.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Thanks to our friends for Notes after Dolly's Passing

 A HUGE Thank you for your notes, emails and calls after Dolly's quick passing on Oct. 22nd. The outpouring of support and care means so, so much to us during this time. We lost 2 teenage furkids within 5 months this year as Franklin also passed on May 8. Tyler and Dash witnessed her passing which made it easier for them to understand, and Tyler knew she was failing over the last 6 months.

Our friend Margaret Perry Ehrlich sent is this beautiful image she created yesterday with Dash and Tyler on the ground, and our 4 dogs in the afterlife: Franklin, Dolly, Sprite and Buzz. My friend Denise Desario made a very touching image of Dolly crossing the bridge to the other side.

We were fortunate to have Dolly and Franklin so long as they outlived most of their breeds, although both battled a number of health issues. Thank you again to our wonderful friends. . Love, Rob and Tom

Voting? Idiot of the Week: "Ingest or Inject Disinfectant in your body to cure virus"

Remember not to vote for the idiot the recommended people drink bleach.

WH Briefing on April 23, 2020
This week's (April 25,2020) idiot is a returning champion. Even Fox News reports a big spike in calls (click for link) to poison control centers from people who listened to this insane "advice."
   During a press conference on April 25th, you know who recommended ingesting or injecting disinfectant in the BODY to kill Coronavirus (COVID19).
 Doctors and scientists warn that will KILL you. Even Lysol brand disinfectant had to rush and put out a press release warning people not to do that:  Dettol And Lysol Maker Warns Against Drinking And Injecting Disinfectant After Trump Suggestion (click to see story)
(You know there will be people who do, because they think you know who is a "savior."). In today's blog, you can see the VIDEO from that Press conference and the story about this gigantic IDIOT.

Here's the story: 
Coronavirus: medical experts denounce Trump's theory of 'disinfectant injection'
Doctors warn US president’s musings on disinfectant as a cure for coronavirus could lead to death
UK Guardian Newspaper April 24, 2020

Donald Trump has stunned viewers by suggesting that people could receive injections of disinfectant to cure the coronavirus, a notion one medical expert described as “jaw-dropping”.

At Thursday’s White House coronavirus taskforce briefing, the US president discussed new government research on how the virus reacts to different temperatures, climates and surfaces.

“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute,” Trump said. “One minute! And is there a way we can do something, by an injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that. So, that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.”

Dr Deborah Birx, the taskforce response coordinator, remained silent. But social media erupted in hilarity and outrage at the president, who has a record of defying science and also floated the idea of treating patients’ bodies with ultraviolet (UV) light.

Several doctors warned the public against injecting disinfectant or using UV light.

Robert Reich, a professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley and a former labor secretary, tweeted: “Trump’s briefings are actively endangering the public’s health. Boycott the propaganda. Listen to the experts. And please don’t drink disinfectant.”


Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics, added: “It is incomprehensible to me that a moron like this holds the highest office in the land and that there exist people stupid enough to think this is OK. I can’t believe that in 2020 I have to caution anyone listening to the president that injecting disinfectant could kill you.”

Trump was already facing a backlash over his championing of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug, as a therapy for the coronavirus, a quixotic effort amplified by the conservative network Fox News. Research has found no evidence that it is beneficial and a government vaccine expert has claimed he was fired for limiting its use.

Undeterred, on Thursday Trump showcased an “emerging result” from Department of Homeland Security research that indicates coronavirus appears to weaken more quickly when exposed to sunlight, heat and humidity, raising hopes that it could become less contagious in summer months.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Election day Checklist: 30 Things Trump has Done

Some bullet point things to consider on Election day. Here's a checklist of 30 Quick Reminders of what Pres. Trump has done over the last 4 years.
NOTE : If you vote for Trump solely because of abortion, he's shown you that issue doesn't run a country. If you don't agree with abortion, just don't have one.  
That's a great president?

CLINICALLY UNFIT - Take the word of 25,000 Psychologists
We have a friend who is a clinical psychologist and said that he is seriously mentally ill - he ran down quite a long list of 45's issues. In fact, In the first months of 2017 Psychologist John Gartner collected the signatures of more than 25,000 mental health professionals and laypersons. The petition, "Mental Health Professionals Declare Trump is Mentally Ill And Must Be Removed", was sent to the Minority leader, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York (Look it up if you don't believe me).