Monday, October 26, 2020

Dolly's Spirit Sends a Sign to Jane 300 Miles Away

Because many of you know that I'm a medium and I have many friends who are tuned in to
how people and pets communicate from the afterlife, they let me know when there's a sign from me from a loved one or if they received a sign from someone they know. Since Dolly passed last Thursday, Oct. 22nd, she's been quite active. In fact, I've written a chapter in my upcoming Pets and the Afterlife 3 book about her signs (as well as Franklin's from May 2020).
(Photo of Dolly from April 20, 2020) 
   Here's one: 

On Oct. 23, my friend Jane from Mass. texted me to see if I received a sign from Dolly. Within an hour, Dolly came to her knowing she would share the sign with me.

 Here's the story in Jane's words: On Friday, October 23, I finished up work and checked my social media. I saw the sad news on the blog that my friend Rob's Weimaraner, Dolly had passed away. I immediately sent Rob a text message saying how sorry I was and that I was looking forward to hearing about any messages he would get from her. I then went for my nightly walk. 

Shortly after starting my walk I took a left turn instead of going straight like I normally do. [Dolly obviously influenced her to take that path]. A few minutes later I heard a rustling in the leaves coming from the woods beside me. Out of the woods stepped this beautiful Weimaraner dog, he was alone. He stood and looked straight at me, barked and then turned around and ran back into the woods. I was taken by surprise because I had just texted to Rob about Dolly. I tried to go after the dog but when I went in to look he was gone

 Jane texted me about this and asked if it was a sign from Dolly that I needed to share with you. I told her it was indeed! 

Jane also noted that she had never seen that Weimaraner before and she's been walking that neighborhood for quite a while. 

 Spirits can make things happen to convey their presence. They influence us to do things that we normally wouldn't do, like having Jane take a different route so that she would run into that Weimaraner. There's no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to spirit.


  1. Jane and Rob, How awesome to hear from Dolly so immediate, i look forward to continued messages from Dolly, and how amazing that moment in time was; ❤️ especially here in Massachusetts with the leash law... hugs Rob

    1. Thanks for the message. Dolly has come through quite a few times, since, too, and to several other friends. Our pets are always trying to send is signs from the other side. This will be a chapter in my upcoming book "Pets and the Afterlife 3" - Thanks again for your kind note. Rob Gutro
