Wednesday, October 28, 2020

2 Musical Messages About Whom Dolly is With on the Other Side

Music is another way that our pets convey messages from the other side. Dolly continues to
give me signs from the afterlife, and these came in the form of 2 special songs played back to back. I wrote about these things in my Pets and the Afterlife books, and this will be included in a chapter on Dolly in the upcoming Pets 3 book (in January). Here's the story:

Musical Confirmations from Mom and Dad

Both of my parents met and loved Dolly. My dad passed in 2008 and my mom passed in 2013. I knew they would be on the other side to welcome Dolly, but Mom and Dad wanted to be sure I got the message and was comforted. 

Yesterday, I wrote about Jay's dream of Dolly and  his childhood dog. Right after seeing Jay's text, I was working on my blog while listening to classic country music from an on-line station. My mom's favorite song "Here You Come Again," by Dolly Parton played. It stopped me in my tracks. Mom was letting me know Dolly was with her. 

That song was immediately followed by my parents' anniversary song, "Through the Years" by Kenny Rogers. Mom and Dad were both telling me that Dolly is with them. Of course, I teared up through both songs, but it was a nice confirmation from them (and Dolly). 

1 comment:

  1. Rob, I loved that confirmation with music/songs!! .. miss your mom... she is one i a million!! 💝 she loved having my trio visit and spoiled them with treats!! hugs Rob
