Saturday, September 21, 2019

Book Review: Anatomy of a Ghost

I enjoy reading all kinds of paranormal books to get another paranormal investigator or medium's sense of the paranormal. The latest one I read is called "Anatomy of a Ghost" by  Robin M. Strom-Mackey. 
  The book is a comprehensive "Guide to Analyzing the Dead." In the book, Robin outlines all kids of paranormal entities that have been talked about in the paranormal world. She explains poltergeists really well (They are manifestations of mental and emotional energy that simulate ghostly activity).
 She talks about haunted houses and gives a nice overview of the spirtuality movement in history. As a meteorologist, I also appreciated the chapter on physics and quantum physics.   She also covers creatures from other cultures. 
   I found it interesting and well-researched!  Well worth a paranormal read!  - Rob 

 ABOUT THE BOOK: Anatomy of a Ghost is a careful dissection of many subjects on the paranormal. Find out what experts in the field really believe about ghosts and haunted locations. Beyond just spirits and ghostly phenomena, the book also covers man-made paranormal entities, the unexplained shadow people and the lore surrounding angels and demons. Looking for evidence that the soul survives bodily death? The chapter on After Death Communications and Near Death Experiences suggests that such experiences are universal and, in the case of After Death Communications, occur quite frequently. Included in the book are many of the first-hand experiences by the author and her colleagues. From the child ghost in Pennsylvania, to the demon in Dover. The book is laced with stories from people who have actually experienced the paranormal in their own lives.