Monday, June 12, 2017

Quebec Trip #8: Ghost Walk Pt5: Church Shadow Ghost Seen by Queen Elizabeth

Inside the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
Today's blog is about our last stop on the Old Quebec City ghost walk, and today you'll learn about a ghost seen by Queen Elizabeth in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. This church is said to be the most haunted place along the ghost tour. For some reason, the month of November is also known to be the most active, "paranormally" speaking. There's also a special, odd "chair" here.

The balcony where the Queen saw the shadow figure
WHAT IS THE CATHEDRAL? - The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity is the cathedral of the Anglican Diocese of Quebec and home to two parishes: the Parish of Quebec and la Paroisse de Tous les Saints. It's located at 31 Rue des Jardins, Ville de Québec, QC G1R 4L6, Canada. According to, "The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity is the first Anglican cathedral built outside the British Isles. Nestled in the heart of Old Québec, it is the Mother Church of the Diocese of Québec City. While it was under construction between 1800 and 1804, King George III ordered an exceptional silver communion service for the new Cathedral that remains one of the finest examples of Georgian silver ever made. The chamber organ in this house of worship is an instrument of exceptional craftsmanship."
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

WHY WAS QUEEN ELIZABETH THERE? Since the church was a gift from England, there's a special bench for the royals on the left balcony, marked by a royal seal.  In addition to Queen Elizabeth visiting, William and Kate also visited.

Shadow figure
THE GHOST STORIES - 1) Queen Elizabeth reportedly saw a shadow figure on the balcony on the other side of the church from the Royal box! 2) The organist has repeatedly felt chills 3) Doors open and close mysteriously by themselves and 4) people hear footsteps when no one else is around.

Bishop's Chair
Regardless, there's some ghost or ghosts haunting the church. 
WHY COULD THIS BE HAUNTED? - Our guide told us that the ghost may in fact be related to a young woman who murdered her infant and buried the child underneath the organ. Of course, that can't be substantiated, and it's horrifying and gross, so we're thinking it's untrue.

THE ODD CHAIR - The Bishop's chair was actually carved from a tree that was struck by lightning!   

This entry concludes the ghost tour. In the next blog we'll meet 2 cool animals, and begin the walking history tour of Old Quebec!

NEXT: Meet the Church's Famous Donkey and Goat!