Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our favorite Celebrity Dachshund, Crusoe is going on a book tour!

Our favorite Celebrity Dachshund, Crusoe is going on a book tour!  (Sadly not near us - but may be near YOU).
 This is Crusoe's book debut, and he's so excited to share it with all of his adoring fans. Now everyone can stare lovingly into his big brown eyes and admire his wit and many costumes any time they choose. Crusoe is certain that his book, featuring hundreds of photos, will make the perfect gift for dog-lovers of all ages.

WE SUBSCRIBE TO HIS BLOG UPDATES AND VIDEOS. You should, too. He's adorable: http://www.celebritydachshund.com/ 

 CITIES ON THE TOUR:New York, San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta, Ottowa

BTW- MANY friends have posted Crusoe videos on our facebook pages (at Least 100 times). Just know that we subscribe to his page and get all his videos when they come out- like the Minions video... :)