Tuesday, October 13, 2015

2 Items Worth Knowing in the News Today

A couple of interesting things in the news this afternoon. One was about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, and the other about the ridiculous Benghazi committee continuing to fall apart.  These are things that people should know about, regardless of whom you're interested in, politically. Knowledge makes for better decisions.

1)   Hillary Clinton was Never Going to Support TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal)
For labor unions and the base of the Democratic Party, TPP is not just one issue among many. It is the issue. Very few Democrats in Congress support the deal, or any free trade deal for that matter. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, asked if he would support TPP, said, “The answer is not only no, but hell no.” There was no way Hillary Clinton could ever support it.She cited two specific objections: It doesn’t have language dealing with currency manipulation, and it has provisions that favor big drug companies over patients.

2)  GOP’s Benghazi Committee starts to unravel
The House Republicans’ Benghazi Committee has seen better days. The New York Times included an interesting tidbit in a report yesterday on the panel’s shift away from its stated purpose:
Senior Republican officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were discussing confidential conversations, said that [House Speaker John Boehner] had long been suspicious of the administration’s handling of the attacks and that Mrs. Clinton’s emails gave him a way to keep the issue alive and to cause political problems for her campaign.
Is that so. MORE: