Thursday, July 9, 2015

A Sign from Sprite in the Anniversary of his passing

    It was 2 years ago yesterday, July 8, 2013 we said a sad goodbye to our 16 1/2 year old dachshund Sprite. Since he's been on the other side, though, he's come back several times to let us know he's still around. This year was no different.

Sprite 12-23-96 to 7-8-13
Sprite's Butterfly
  In 2013, three days after Sprite passed, after Tom and I took our other three dogs for a walk, we brought them into the backyard, and Sprite gave us all a sign in the form of a butterfly.    First, it's unusual for a butterfly to fly near dogs and that's exactly what that yellow and black butterfly did- and for quite awhile. Secondly, the dogs didn't go after it. They just watched it. It was as if they heard Sprite telling them "I'm here." The butterfly just stayed there on the grass and I actually took pictures of it. It was a message from Sprite that he is fine and regained 100% health as a spirit. 

Spirits can manipulate things in nature, and Sprite loves to use yellow and black butterflies because since 2013, several friends have seen them when they have read about Sprite. 
On my way to work on July 8, 2015, Sprite gave me the same sign. I was not thinking of Sprite as I was rushing to get to work - but spirits come by on birthdays, anniversaries and holidays to remind us they are around.
After leaving the house, I went through the Dunkin' Donuts drive through to get coffee. After pulling out of the parking lot and getting on the road to work, a yellow and black butterfly flew right toward the windshield, close enough for me to see it clearly, before it flew off. Sprite had given me a reminder that he is still around on the second anniversary of his passing.

As Dolly Parton says, "Love is like a butterfly" : VIDEO: