Saturday, February 28, 2015

Photo Blog: Arrow and Felicity Look-Alike Day

Rob and Lynn as Arrow and Felicity
One day this month we had a superhero gathering in the office- and it was purely by accident, but it made for a great memory. 
    Since the TV show Arrow came out on the CW network (about the hero known as the Green Arrow), and Stephen Amell has a closely shaved beard and mustache I (Rob) thought I'd grow one for the winter.
     On Feb. 7th I stopped shaving. By Feb. 13th it had already come in pretty well.
Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity
   So, on Friday, Feb. 13th, because the wind chills were near zero, I decided to go to work (it was casual day) in my jeans and Arrow sweatshirt (with a hood, like Arrow wears), so I resembled the Arrow (the scruff and the hood) when I put the hood on.
Felicity and Arrow from the comics "Green Arrow"
PERFECT TIMING -  What's really cool, is that my good friend Lynn who works with me (and sits next to me in the office) also loves the TV show Arrow and  the main characters, Oliver Queen (The Arrow) and Felicity (the computer guru/hacker/tech wizard on Arrow's Team), so we've been calling each other "Ollie" and "Felicity."

Arrow airs Wed. nights at 8pm on CW
WHO IS FELICITY? - After proving her hacker credentials by explaining to the Arrow that she knows his secret identity, as well as highly specific details from his superhero, personal, professional and family lives, she offered to become a part of his team out of a desire to help him save the Star City. 
     On Friday the 13th, she happened to come to work dressed EXACTLY like Felicity. She even has the SAME eye glasses (yes, she got them on purpose awhile ago).
That's the same day I went to work in in my "Arrow" mode. It was perfect. Here's a picture of us (pic of the actors who play Oliver and Felicity).