Friday, February 27, 2015

Idiots in the News! Be aware of these stupid people!

Here's another blog about idiots in the news. You need to know about them to protect yourself from them, and vote them into a padded cell. There are some really SICK and TOTALLY STUPID people out there.
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1)  Nevada Lawmaker Says Cancer Is A Fungus, Recommends Simply Washing It Out
by Josh Israel Posted on February 24, 2015 at 2:54 pm
 Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore (R) wants to reform the rules of end-of-life medical care so that more cancer patients can simply flush out their disease using baking soda.

2) Idaho lawmaker asks if woman can swallow camera for gynecological exam before medical abortion
Courtesy Idaho State Legislature website
    Article by: KIMBERLEE KRUESI , Associated Press     Updated: February 24
BOISE, Idaho — An Idaho lawmaker received a brief lesson on female anatomy after asking if a woman can swallow a small camera for doctors to conduct a remote gynecological exam.
  The question Monday from Republican state Rep. Vito Barbieri came as the House State Affairs Committee heard nearly three hours of testimony on a bill that would ban doctors from prescribing abortion-inducing medication through telemedicine.

3)  Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books
February 25, 2015 By Erin Nanasi  **SOUNDS LIKE NAZI GERMANY TO US**

  Republican senator in Kansas, Mary Pilcher-Cook, has introduced a bill to the state house to amend the current public morals standard. Senate Bill 56 would, according to The Courthouse News Service, “… amend Kansas’ public morals statute by deleting an exemption that protects K-12 public, private and parochial schoolteachers from being prosecuted for presenting material deemed harmful to minors.” In other words, any book could result in the arrest, prosecution, and possibly jailing of teachers and librarians, if “deemed harmful to minors.”  Read more at:

A Republican senator in Kansas, Mary Pilcher-Cook, has introduced a bill to the state house to amend the current public morals standard. Senate Bill 56 would, according to The Courthouse News Service, “… amend Kansas’ public morals statute by deleting an exemption that protects K-12 public, private and parochial schoolteachers from being prosecuted for presenting material deemed harmful to minors.” In other words, any book could result in the arrest, prosecution, and possibly jailing of teachers and librarians, if “deemed harmful to minors.”

Read more at:
Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

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Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

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Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

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Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

Read more at:
Kansas GOP Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook Wants To Criminalize “Harmful” Books

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4) Texas conservatives hold controversial cake-cutting over gay marriage ban
Dylan Baddour | February 25, 2015\   FROM THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE- Feb. 26, 2015
 Republican leaders in Austin joined members of the conservative coalition Texas Values to slice a ceremonaial cake on the 10th anniversary of the passage of the so-called Texas Marriage Amendment, which defined marriage as "one man and one woman" in Texas.  (source: Texas Values Facebook page)) ARTICLE:

Look at how sickly gleeful these bigots appear. These are the faces of bigotry, intolerance and hatred. These people and people like them disgust us.

5) In State Legislatures, Anti-LGBT Onslaught Continues

As marriage equality advances across the country and polls show that an overwhelming majority of young people reject anti-LGBT bigotry, opponents of LGBT human rights are growing increasingly panicked.  But instead of recognizing that they're on the wrong side of history and moving their prejudicial views out of the Stone Age, they're hysterically trying to cause as much damage to LGBT people as they possibly can, while they still have the power to do so.  Nowhere is this more evident than in the states, where conservative lawmakers are rushing to create special "rights" to discriminate against LGBT people under the guise of protecting "religious liberty" and banning cities and counties from adopting LGBT-inclusive non-discrimination laws. We've covered the onslaught of anti-LGBT attacks in the states READ HERE FOR THE sampling of the latest anti-LGBT attacks