Thursday, April 24, 2014

Home Project: Installing a new toilet

Dolly tells Rob to cut the straps on the box holding the tank
 Tom loves home projects, and when his mom asked him if he could install a new toilet in her second floor bathroom, Tom was all over it.
I (Rob), however, am not so talented, but I can help lift it up the stairs (it was very heavy), take stuff out of a box, and read directions...
Franklin ensuring that Tom is putting the wax ring on right
  Our kids, Dolly the Weimaraner, and Franklin and Tyler the two Dachshunds, came along to help. Tom's folks were out of the house, however, so we were done before they arrived home.
The new toilet in position!
Tom instructing Franklin how he can help!
  ALWAYS TAKES LONGER - One rule that we have for home projects is that "it always takes longer than it should." That pans out 99 percent of the time, and this was no exception. The water line from the bathroom floor to the toilet was too small, so we had to stop and make a trip to Home Depot to get the proper pipe. Of course, the kids loved the break and the ride.
Tyler and Dolly
   TURN OFF THE WATER - To replace the water line, we had to turn off the water coming into the house, so we had to go into the basement and search for the main valve. Fortunately, it was pretty easy to find, but that's an important thing to remember!
Rob and Tyler finishing up
  FINISHED! It took about 2 hours to remove the old toilet (and put it in the box that held the new one and take it outside) and install the new toilet.

 By the end of the event, we were all feeling a little "Flush" so we stopped at Dunkin' Donuts for refreshment! 
Franklin, Tyler and Dolly give the "OK"

Tyler waiting for Tom at Home Depot