Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Doxiefest - A day of Doggone Fun

Doxiesfest is an annual event sponsored by Coast-to-Coast Dachshund Rescue, one of the rescuesthat we work with. It's an outdoor event in April that's filled with vendors of all things dog, agility trials a costume contest, fundraising for the rescue and other things- ALL for DACHSHUNDS, although other dogs are welcome. :)
My table with my new poster and books
 - This year, I participated with my new book "Pets and the Afterlife."  Thanks to our friends Kristin and Thomas Sparkman (who also work with rescue- and in fact, organized it this year!), I had a table where I set up under a shady tree.
   I met several people who told me about their dog or cat (whom passed) clearly came back and given signs that they were still around. From seeing them out of the corner of their eye, to feeling them brush against them.  It was really interesting to hear more of the stories that I wrote about in the book.
   There were a good number of people in attendance, and I met one gentleman and his wife who owned 6 Dachshunds and transported them in a baby stroller. I had to get a picture of that!
Melissa and her new doxie baby!
This guy had 6 Dachshunds in a stroller!
  Our friend Melissa was there, too- she managed the rescue for a long time. She brought her new Dachshund baby - a Dachshund-Chihuahua mix that she recently adopted. Melissa also has the coolest dog things, and had a cloth bag with a shoulder strap that comfortably held the dog!