Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Where is the News?

I'd like to know what happened to television news... This week, there are about 3 stories that are running over and over, Lindsey Lohan goes to jail (WHO CARES), Mel Gibson spewed obscenities to his girlfriend -with whom this "devout" Catholic didn't marry, but had a child with (that's another rant)- (WHO CARES), and the oil spill (we all care).
If you look at the state section in USA Today's newspaper, you'll notice there are a TON of things happening in all 50 states, some of which impact people everywhere, or affect people outside the state who know someone that resides there. I would rather get a quick "state-by-state news snapshot" than hear about Mel Gibson for 15 minutes!
Here are some stories from various states that I found in newspapers from major cities in them. These stories could be relevant to the rest of the U.S.!
From ARKANSAS: More than 600 Entergy customers are without power Tuesday morning after storms rolled through Arkansas overnight.
From OREGON: Oregon lawmakers in 2011 may ban plastic bags, charge for paper bags in 2012 (*This is sure to spread around the U.S.)
From OREGON: Oregon State University entomologist looks to uncover what's killing honeybees (*Much needed study for the entire U.S.)
From MINNESOTA: Minneapolis weighs adding fee on unfinished buildings - Minneapolis advanced a proposal to extend an annual $6,550 penalty on vacant buildings to new properties. (*This could catch on elsewhere, too)
I did a quick scan of the front pages of newspapers from these 3 states, and this news could be relevant to EVERYONE. So, why isn't it reported? SAD.

GOOD CANINE NEWS FROM USA TODAY - I didn't know that USA Today has its own news page on-line devoted to dogs! It's a great page, and I've bookmarked it. Take a look.

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