We take Vitamin D, and we love Judge Judy (we watch her every night), so I found these articles interesting from USA Today.
Study: Exercise, tea and vitamin D to ward off dementiaBy Mary Brophy Marcus, USA TODAY
Improved living and diet habits — including lots of physical activity, regular tea-drinking and sufficient vitamin D levels — could reduce the risk of brain decline, according to three studies. FULL STORY: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2010-07-12-alzheimerslifestyle12_ST_N.htm?POE=click-refer
Judge Judy: No one gets the best of her in court, in ratings
By Scott Bowles, USA TODAY
LOS ANGELES — The defendant has stepped in it now.
"I never lie!" he says, raising his voice and a finger Judith Sheindlin's way.
The courtroom goes quiet as spectators realize the man is done for. Sheindlin —Judge Judy to anyone who owns a television set — stiffens in her seat, not sure what she just heard. "Excuse me?" she asks, raising an eyebrow, giving that look like you just interrupted her putt. "I said I never ..."
"God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason!" Sheindlin bellows at the man and his wife, who standaccused of defaulting on a loan. "Time to use the ears. When you lie as long as he has, it just gets to be a habit, doesn't it? Don't look at your wife. She's not going to help you. Look at me!"
Sheindlin brings the gavel down. "Judgment for plaintiff. You're paying your debts." She leans over to longtime bailiff Petri Hawkins-Byrd. "Get rid of them," she whispers. "I'm through with them." Sheindlin is up and out the door. FULL STORY: http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/news/2010-07-14-judgejudy14_CV_N.htm
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