Sunday, September 20, 2009

Federal Hill Street Beat Festival!

The Federal Hill Street Beat Festival on Sunday in Baltimore was a lot of fun for us, our friend Jeff, and our dogs Franklin (the dachshund) and Dolly (the Weimaraner).
(PHOTO RIGHT: Tom and Franklin, Rob and Dolly take a break in the new doggy vendor area of the Street Beat Festival).

PHOTO: Our friend Jeff (left) stands with Dolly  (the weimaraner) who is telling him that HER photo is on that "Dog Vendors" sign. It's a picture of Dolly and her sisters and brother from when she was a pup at the rescue in Tennessee. The Federal Hill Festival used this picture to advertise the new dog vendor part of the festival. We were so proud! Tom and Franklin stand on the right side of the sign. Notice Franklin smiling  and looking up at the sign!

PHOTO: Dolly (left) and Franklin (right) meet a beagle at the Street Beat Festival's dog area. Look at the beagle's wagging tail. They were happy to meet.  There were a good number of dogs at the festival, too. Dolly and Franklin managed to get a big bag full of treats from daddies Rob and Tom by the time they left. Franklin also got a brand new leash.

PHOTO: Steve (left) and Jane (right) working the festival. They posed here with Dolly (the inspiration for the advertising). Steve was taking photos of people at the festival for Federal Hill's Historically Hip Blog ( Jane works for the entire community, and organized the festival (and all of the others). Federal Hill Main Street, Inc., is a Maryland corporation, is one of the seven nonprofit urban revitalization programs created in Baltimore City in October of 2000. Modeled after the National Main Street program, (created by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 1977), Federal Hill Main Street's purpose is to revitalize this urban business community in ways that will meet the needs of the community and support the small businesses while preserving the neighborhood's unique and historic character.