Saturday, September 19, 2009

2 Great Charities Needing Immediate HELP!!

  Tom and I (Rob) support many dog-related charities, but when it comes to our friend Fran, who has been an elemetary school teacher for over 30 years in Baltimore City, we try to help out. I've spoken at Fran's school on science topics a number of times.  The abject poverty that the kids attending face when they go home is horrendous. Most are too poor to afford clothing (so Fran uses her salary to buy them necessities), and most live with single parents or grandparents. The school is in a tough part of town, and has little funding, so Fran writes proposals to get grants to get things for her students. Here's one that needs EVERYONE'S help, too:

  1)  Fran's school needs donations for projects at school #98. They desperately need some musical instruments for PreK through 2 grade. Help at: classroom project "Let The Walls Ring ":
This and all other projects at have been submitted by public school teachers who seek resources that will help their students learn. Contributions are tax-deductible and donors hear back from the classroom they choose to support.

2)  Local Animal Shelter in DESPERATE need of dog beds! The Prince George's County Animal Shelter moved to a larger facility in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, and the economy has forced MANY families to abandon their pets (as stupid and tragic as that is). Kuranda Beds, a local Md. company  builds comfy kennel beds, and provides the ability to DONATE BEDS DIRECTLY (no administrative costs) to the Shelter! Beds are only $52 each (including tax and shipping). Go to ( click on "Donate a Bed" and Select "Prince George's County Animal Management Group," then from the From the Drop Down Menu, click on "MEDIUM SIZED BED" - The shelter is in DIRE NEED of them.  Thanks!