Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Few Thoughts on Justice (finally!) and Closed-minded People

The hateful Miss California USA, Carrie Prejean, was dethroned yesterday for not doing her job: she failed to show up at several scheduled appearances. This bimbo, and she is a bimbo, is a self-proclaimed Christian who posed for topless photos. Rather than admit that she was fired for not performing the duties ascribed to her and the pornographic photos (which is against the Miss America Pageant guidelines), she is blaming her dismissal on the remarks she made about Gay marriage. She openly hates gay people and said that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed. That's really loving and Christian of her! Anyway, there is justice. I'm glad to see this brainless harridan was fired. Here are highlights from the CNN story:
# "Better late than never," Perez Hilton says of Carrie Prejean's firing
# Prejean was Miss California USA, controversial due to statements, topless photos
# Runner-up Tami Farrell will take over as Miss California USA
# Prejean tells Billy Bush she thinks her response to the gay marriage question was the reason for her firing
Related to hatred, intolerance ,and closed-minded behavior is the tragic story of the shooting of the security guard at the National Holocaust Museum yesterday by an 88 year old right-wing extremist whack job who hated Jews and African-American people. These people that spread hatred of others unlike themselves are horrifying. So many simple-minded people follow this kind of hatred and are blinded into thinking this is the way to live: to hate others that are no just like you. That is SO WRONG.
We're all on this earth together. We need to at least TRY TO LIKE each other. People who hate others for their race, color, sexuality, religious beliefs are closed-minded. Closed-mindedness and intolerance of others breeds hatred that can potentially result in the tragic event that transpired at the Holocaust Museum - an example of what can happen when people finally go over the edge of sanity. We NEED to respect each other.
A priest I once knew in Massachusetts summed it up this way: "You should love them but you don't have to like the person they are." Think about it.

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