Monday, November 4, 2024

My Package Mailing Debacle - Package Up and Down the East Coast 3 Times

I think the U.S. Post Office does an amazing job, but sometimes there are exceptions. I write and mail a lot of cards and postcards and mail a lot of books and packages. On occasion, there's been a delay in delivery, but the latest delay is for the books.  On October 9th, I sold 1 comic book from my collection to a buyer in Georgia and mailed it with an Ebay generated label (which has the address and a bar code). By October 29th, it hadn't arrived, and after checking the USPS tracking number on-line, I found it had been up and down the U.S. East coast 3 times. Today's blog shows you that scanning process based on package tracking on the USPS website and explains what the USPS clerk told me at the facility where it traveled 4 times!! 

(Photo: What a comic book mailer looks like- It's about 12" by 8" and 1" high: Credit: Etsy)

MY CALL TO USPS -  I called the USPS in Nashville, where it's now been 4 times!!!  A Nashville postal worker said "Apparently, the bar code is an issue, and instead of postal workers looking at the actual address, they scan it and toss it in an "outgoing bin that sends it back to the origin point, instead of directing it forward." Even the actual post office in the delivery destination apparently made the same error, and instead of delivering it in their town, they put in the "outgoing bin" sending it back to TN, CT, MA and NH, causing the NH post office to send it back south, over and over and over. 


Oct 30- Finally Delivered 

Moving Through Network

Arrived at USPS Regional Facility


October 29, 2024, 8:07 am

In Transit to Next Facility

October 29, 2024, 5:53 am

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