Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Part 2: A Residual Haunt I Encountered at Fort Mc Clary, Maine

 In this second blog about Fort Mc Clary in Maine, you'll learn about the residual haunting I encountered, and only in one place throughout the entire fort. You'll also learn what residual energy is and how the location kept the energy strong.

WHAT IS FORT MC CLARY? Fort McClary is a former defensive fortification of the United States military located along the southern coast at Kittery Point, Maine at the mouth of the Piscataqua River. Iwas manned during five significant wars including; the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I and II. Fort McClary was manned during World War II as a civil defense lookout, but no battles took place there. The fort was also used as an observation post during World War I.   


WHAT IS A RESIDUAL HAUNT? A residual haunt is not an earthbound ghost that can respond to questions and communicate. It's energy generated from emotions that people were feeling in a structure, that gets impressed upon or soaked into the walls, ceiling, and floor of a structure. It's like a thumbprint of energy on a pane of glass. When the sun shines through the glass, it lights up the thumbprint. Similarly, when living people come into a structure they add their own emotional energy to it, enabling the energy to be felt by sensitive people. Other times, it may generate a ghostly image of the person who created it. 

(Photo: This is a photo of a sketch of the fort and all of its buildings. Credit: R.G.)

WHERE WAS THE ENERGY? -  After a walk around the grounds of the fort, I thought I would find residual emotional energy in the buildings that housed the riflemen, but there was none. Instead, all the residual emotional energy was in Fort McClary's Blockhouse. The Blockhouse is a uniquely designed military structure that sits atop the highest point in the fort. It's 3 stories high, including a basement. Beginning in 1844, the Blockhouse took 2 years to build and was constructed in three different layers from materials in the surrounding area. Its foundation (basement) is built of mortared fieldstone, the first-story walls are of cut granite, and the second story is built of squared logs. The Blockhouse at Fort McClary was the last one of its kind constructed in Maine.

WHAT WAS THE ENERGY - The residual haunt was the energy left behind by living soldiers from World War II, who were working on the top floor of the Blockhouse. There was anxiety, as there is during any war. 

WHAT FUELED THE ENERGY AND KEPT IT THERE? The fort, which sits atop a hill facing the Piscataqua River, was enshrouded in fog. The water energy from the river plus the water energy in the fog provided the extra energy that helped make the residual emotional energy of anxiety stand out!


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