Monday, January 29, 2024

Quick Help from a Great Dog-Rescue Friend: With a Dog Sling!

 Over the weekend of January 20, I managed to sprain my right bicep from working out too hard. I posted a picture with questions for guidance in care, and several friends immediately jumped in with great suggestions. One thing I still needed assistance with was carrying Tyler and Dash up and down stairs (where my office is), so our friend Shelley responded immediately. 

(Photo: Tyler working the new Dog carrier bag from Aunt Shelley). 

We've known Shelley for about 15 years, as we worked with her on Dachshund rescue transports. Shelley also now works for Yorkie 911 rescue, and is the most unselfish dog rescuer, ever. She's never minded driving anywhere or doing anything for any dog. In fact, Shelley recommended we Foster and Adopt both Tyler and Dash, and of course, we did!!  We're SO grateful to Shelley.

( Photo: Shelley, Tom and Rob during a dog transport in 2018. for the story go to:

In 2020, when Dolly and Franklin were dealing with incontinence, she mailed us a bunch of cloth "pee pads" that I use today for Dash. 

(Photo: Rob and Tyler using the new Dog Carrier Bag from Shelley)

Now, she sent us a really amazing cloth bag carrier for small dogs (up to 20 lbs) that Tyler fits in and enables me to bring him up and down (Tyler the Dachshund follows me everywhere and can't do stairs since his neck surgery 2 years ago). Shelley also include a bandage wrap to keep compression on my bicep as it heals. 

I can't say enough about Shelley- she's awesome, and she's got quite the menagerie at her home, all little dogs.

All the way back to 2013, here's a story where Shelley, Tom and I worked to transport a little Dachshund named Charlie. Click here.

Back in 2014 we did another transport with Shelley- and you can read that story here:

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