Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Full moon guide for 2024: When's the next full moon?

For those who want to know when "the nuts are out" as my mom used to say about the times of a full moon, here's the rundown of dates for all full moons and their unique names in 2024. This is good to know if you like to go out an howl at the moon, too.  (I'll even tell you what that saying means). Whatever your thing, the first on the list happens Tomorrow Night!!
(Photo: Astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery recorded this rarely seen phenomenon of the full Moon partially obscured by the atmosphere of Earth.

Full moon guide: When's the next full moon? 
 Here are all of the full moon dates and times for 2024, according to, including the most commonly used names in North America. and I'll define Supermoon at the bottom of the blog. 
- Thursday, Jan. 25: Wolf Moon (17:54 UTC/12:54 p.m. ET) 

-Saturday, Feb. 24: Snow Moon (12:30 UTC/7:30 a.m. ET) 

-Monday, March 25: Worm Moon (07:00 UTC/3:00 a.m. ET) — also a penumbral lunar eclipse 

-Tuesday, April 23: Pink Moon (23:48 UTC/7:48 p.m. ET) 

-Thursday, May 23: Flower Moon (13:53 UTC/9:53 a.m. ET) 

-Friday, June 21: Strawberry Moon (01:07 UTC/9:07 p.m. ET) 

-Sunday, July 21: Buck Moon (10:17 UTC/6:17 a.m. ET) 

-Monday, Aug. 19 Sturgeon Moon (18:25 UTC/2:25 p.m. ET) — also a supermoon and a blue moon 

-Wednesday, Sept. 18: Harvest Moon (02:34 UTC/10:34 p.m. ET) — also a supermoon and a partial lunar eclipse Thursday, Oct. 17: Hunter's Moon (11:26 UTC/7:26 a.m. ET) — also a supermoon 

- Friday, Nov. 15: Beaver Moon (21:28 UTC/4:28 p.m. ET) — also a supermoon 

- Sunday, Dec. 15: Cold Moon (09:01 UTC/4:01 a.m. ET) * 

WHAT'S A SUPERMOON? According to NASA, the term “Supermoon” was coined in 1979 and is often used to describe what astronomers would call a perigean (pear-ih-jee-un) full moon: a full moon occurring near or at the time when the Moon is at the closest point in its orbit around Earth.

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