Friday, October 20, 2023

Fun Apple Picking in Wells, Maine!!

 Moving to New England was truly the best move we could have made. We love where we are- it's quiet, no traffic, no lines, everything in a short distance, we can see the stars at night, and there are even Apple Orchards nearby! So, we just HAD to go apple picking. 

(Photo: Tom and Rob walking through the apple orchard. Credit; R.G.)

There's nothing better in autumn in New England like apple picking and stopping at farm stands to pick out a pumpkin. Since we did the pumpkin thing earlier, we decided to use the Monday Columbus day holiday to pick some apples. Maine apple-picking season typically runs from mid-September into late October.

We went to the Orchard at Chase Farms in Wells, Maine. They have a bunch of varieties: Honeycrisp, Gala (our favorite), MacIntosh, and a few others. — Chase Farms has been owned and operated by the same family since the 1600s. The Orchard is down the road from the farm store. And apples are $2 per pound. They take cash, check, or Zelle at the orchard. They are open from 9-4 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. It's located at 1396 North Berwick Road, Wells, 207-251-5700.

ROB NOTE:  I really loved this orchard because the trees were nicely planted in rows, and they were "Dwarf" Apple trees, so there was NO CLIMBING NEEDED! 

(Photo: Tom and Rob walking through the apple orchard. Credit; R.G.)

According to a blog I found about apple picking in northern New England (blog "Southern Maine on the Cheap") Many orchards sell by the pound. Some, though, rely on the traditional measurements, which are the bushel and peck. This denotes the size of the container for the apples. -A bushel equals 32 quarts. -A peck is a quarter of a bushel or eight quarts. As far as weight goes, here’s how that translates to a bushel and a peck:

(Photo: The orchard where we picked apples. Credit: R.G.)

A peck of apples typically weighs about 10 pounds A bushel of apples is about 40 pounds.

Depending on your local grocery store prices, picking your own can be a deal. And, the experience is a lot more fun!

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