Thursday, July 13, 2023

Viking Cruise #16: Middle Rhine: Ghost of Reichenstein Castle!

Today's blog continues the cruise down the Middle Rhine River, which was filled with 40 castles, each with a fascinating history of its own. However, Reichenstein Castle has a good ghost story (and I like ghost stories). Great-Castles com website provided the story of the ghost of Dietrich von Hohenfels, a robber who haunts the castle. 

THE GHOST STORY - Dietrich von Hohenfels' ghost hasn't been seen but has been heard in the castle. Guests have reported that they've felt a presence, and windows and doors have been reported to open and close on their own! 

Von Hohenfels was a robber knight defeated by Rudolf von Habsburg. After his defeat and capture, Hohenfels begged for his nine sons to be spared, knowing his fate was sealed. But Habsburg knew the sons were taught to rob, loot, and murder by the father and wanted to set an example that would deter other robber knights and so he refused Hohenfels request.

(Photo: Jim, the Captain of the ship, and Sue. While we were looking at castles, Jim and Sue got a great picture with the Captain of the Viking Cruise Ship! Wish we did, too.)

Instead, the sons were aligned in a row. Habsburg declared, "Look, you murderer, here are all your sons. In a moment, your head will roll in the sand, but should you manage to walk past your sons headless, I will keep every one of them alive that you manage to pass."

Hohenfels looked each son in the eye and then at the path he must walk to save them. Moments later, the robber knight's head was struck from his body with one stroke. But instead of collapsing to the ground, his body swayed a little, then managed to walk by each of his sons, one by one, before falling to the ground. And to his word, Habsburg pardoned the nine sons.

Now, von Hohenfels' ghost walks the castle and if he showed himself, he may be headless! 

NEXT:  The Ghost of Pfaltzgrafenstein Castle!  

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