Saturday, December 31, 2022

Hero of the Week: Teacher Brittany Loubier-Vervisch Helps Fliers Find Luggage

You can easily be a hero of the week. All it takes it to be considerate of others, people you don't know, and help them in some way. That's what this week's hero did during the airline holiday meltdown here in the U.S. This story has made a lot of headlines already, but teacher Brittany Loubier-Vervisch needs to be recognized as a hero of the week. Here's the story.

(photo: Brittany Loubier-Vervisch, A Tampa Teacher) 

Brittany Loubier-Vervisch, A Tampa Teacher, Texted The Phone Numbers On Luggage Tags To Reunite People With Their Lost Bags

ESPN News 12/29/22 

How about a feel good story? She’s not an airport employee, just a kind soul. Above all, an angel. Brittany Loubier-Vervisch, a science teacher from the Tampa area was searching through an “Armageddon of luggage” at Tampa International Airport the day after Christmas, trying to find her luggage. While her husband was at the Southwest Airlines’ customer-service line, Brittany was searching through what appeared to be thousands of bags piled up at the baggage claim at the Tampa airport. It was at that point, she then realized there was something else she could be doing.

She spoke with Business Insider about her kind hearted act: “I was circling through the baggage claims as stuff was coming off the line and being piled up and if there was a tag on it with a number, I sent a text,” Loubier-Vervisch said. “I was like walking through the bags, I was like, ‘Oh, here’s your bags. Is this your name?’ And they were like, ‘Yes,'”, “I’m like, ‘Oh, here’s your other bags.’ And they were like, ‘Do you work here?'”

(Photo: Baggage claims at Tampa International Airport were flooded with luggage on the day after Christmas. Courtesy of Brittany Loubier-Vervisch)

Brittany says she sent out over 50 texts, helping other travelers locate their bags. They may not have been able to get to their luggage right away, but it’s at least reassuring to know where they are. And that someone, even if she doesn’t work for the airline – cares.

As for Brittany Loubier-Vervisch, 4 hours after her flight got cancelled, she and her husband did indeed locate their luggage.

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