Tuesday, November 29, 2022

My Shingles Experience (Vaccine Breakthrough): How It Happened, How I'm treating it

Shingles are a painful, swollen, red, scab-like disease that comes out on the skin, either on the torso or the face. Shingles feels like someone is holding a match to your skin- like it's on fire.  I have it on my face right now. 
   I had the vaccine, but that's effective only in 97% of the population. I'm in the unlucky 3% that get a breakthrough case despite having the vaccine (but thanks to the vaccine, it's less severe). WHY? I have asthma and psoriasis- which both weaken my immune system, so it was able to break through. Here's my experience, why I still got it, HOW I'm treating it, and why YOU should get the vaccine ASAP.  
**INCLUDES UPDATE ON DAY 46 on 12/20/22 and summary of what to do**
WHAT IS SHINGLES? Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection that typically causes a painful blistering rash. You get it if you had Chicken Pox when younger. It usually affects older adults or people with weakened immune systems. The rash typically appears on one side of the face or body and lasts two to four weeks.  

(Photo #1: Day 15 with Shingles- it was a lighter color) 

MY STORY: I got the 2 dose Shingles Vaccine earlier this year.
It started when I developed a rash on my right cheek on Nov. 4th (Day 1). It looked like psoriasis. Little did I know it would open the door for Shingles. Again If you have an autoimmune disease, it will weaken your immune system. Since I have 2 autoimmune issues: Asthma AND Psoriasis. those allowed for a breakthrough shingles episode to make a return appearance (from 2012).
Five days later (Day 5), on Nov. 9th I had a dermatology appointment, and the doctor told me to use Vtama and a moisturizer, as it had the same appearance as psoriasis. She also put me on Prednisone to reduce the Inflammation.

By Monday, Nov 14th, it was WORSE and began BURNING. My face felt like someone was holding a match to my cheek. Continually!

I had a same-day visit with my family Doctor. He said "SHINGLES is Often mistaken for PSORIASIS." Good to know. - He confirmed the burning feeling is SHINGLES.

TOO LATE FOR ANTI-VIRALS - Anti-virals will reduce the longevity of shingles, but ONLY if taken in the first 3-4 days of the outbreak. Because I was 10 days into the outbreak, I couldn't take them. (Fortunately, in 2012, I caught it on day 3 and the anti-virals helped rid me of it in 2 weeks. I wasn't that lucky this time because it appeared differently and didn't burn at first).

GABAPENTIN TREATMENT - If you miss the anti-viral window (first 3 days), you get Gabapentin to help manage the pain.

WHAT DOES GABAPENTIN DO? Gabapentin is used to manage a condition called postherpetic neuralgia, which is pain that occurs after shingles. Gabapentin works in the brain to prevent seizures and relieve pain for certain conditions in the nervous system. Note: It is not used for routine pain caused by minor injuries or arthritis. BUT, it doesn't make the pain go away, just lessens the BURNING.

(Photo right: Shingles Day 18. It darkened a lot and looks like a burn scar. It also hardened and feels like rubber)

HOW TO STOP THE BURNING IMMEDIATELY - GET ACUPUNCTURE. - On Nov. 18th, my Acupuncturist, Dr. Tom Malik of ShorePoint Wellness, Crownsville, MD treated me for Shingles, and IMMEDIATELY after, the Hot, searing, burning pain was reduced to a Tingling. Since then - The only time it now burns is when I'm stressed. It's an AMAZING difference. Acupuncture Works!

GET THIS OVER-COUNTER CREAM - I found Terrasil, Shingles Skincare ointment, it has helped. It also keeps the Shingled area moist, so it doesn't crack and burn more.
WHAT IS IT? Its a Triple-Action Formula made with Activated Minerals® that provides rapid benefits for people with shingles. natural skin nutrients, natural oils and skin-protecting ingredients penetrate quickly to - soothe, cool and calm the skin.

COLOR CHANGES OVER 25 DAYS - In the beginning, it looked like psoriasis with light redness to the skin, and in small bumps.
On Day 10, it turned a whitish color.
By Day 14 it returned to a reddish color.
By Day 18, it turned very dark red.
By Day 25, the scabby area has diminished in size to a 2" by 1" in circumference area- and took on a lighter, more pinkish/white color. It also looked more scab-like.

HOW LONG DOES SHINGLES LAST? I've read conflicting info on-line. Bottom line: It could last between 3 and 11 weeks. YUP. 3 months on your face or torso, so don't get discouraged.

ANY LASTING EFFECTS?  A possible consequence of shingles is a chronic, often debilitating pain that can linger after the rash clears up. A less common complication affects the eye in up to one in four cases and may result in prolonged pain, facial scarring, and, in rare instances, vision loss.

MAKING THE BEST OF IT - Since I have VIDEO telecons at work, I tell people that I'm dressed up as the Batman Villain, Two-Face. (Pic right) - You have to laugh instead of being miserable about stuff you can't control.

WHY YOU NEED TO GET THE VACCINE - If you do get shingles, the vaccine is likely to make the symptoms milder and the illness shorter. The Vaccine does not guarantee you will not get shingles, but it will reduce your chances. You'll also be less likely to get shingles complications, such as post-herpetic neuralgia.

DAY 25 (Photo right) - On Nov 29th, the pile of shingles still sat on my face but it's now pinkish/white and scabby looking. It's getting smaller and has moved away from my eye and my lips- and is shrinking. It's also itchy, so keep it moist with the Shingles cream I mentioned above!

DAY 46: On Dec. 20, 2022, the shingles area had greatly decreased and was fading significantly. I still apply the Terrasil, Shingles Skincare ointment, daily with a moisturizer on top of it. That's because Shingles is drying the skin.

I'm hoping that by Jan. 1, which would close to 60 days, that it will be gone.

Bottom Line: Get the Shingles Vaccine. Especially if you have any immuno-compromising issues like asthma or psoriasis. The vaccine will at least make it less severe. I can't imagine how bad it would have been if I had not had the vaccine.

SUMMARY OF WHAT TO DO FOR AN OUTBREAK: *Get to a doctor or a walk in clinic ASAP if you suspect Shingles *Ask for an Anti-viral to reduce the length of the outbreak *Get acupuncture for them to reduce (in my case it was eliminate) the pain. *If too late for antiviral, you'll get Gabapentin for 30 days to ease nerve pain * Buy the Terrasil, Shingles Skincare ointment, and apply it 2-3 times daily. *Be Patient

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