Monday, October 17, 2022

This is me at 60!

 Today I turn 60 years old. Wow. I can't believe it! I feel like I am 35, and that's because of working out every day and eating small meals (and being an optimist).

 Life has been an amazing adventure and I'm looking forward to the adventure of retirement in 2 years. 

Despite having a breakthrough case of COVID this past year (thankfully vaxxed and boosted so it wasn't severe), and a 3-week long cold/bronchitis thing this fall, I'm in otherwise good shape.  

Back on March 11, 2020, when the Pandemic shut down offices and everything else, I made a promise to myself to work out at least 20 minutes every single day with weights and do stomach workouts. 

I have kept that promise (only missing 6 days in 2 1/2 years- due to vacations/illness), and I'm the leanest and most muscular than I've ever been.  

If I can do it, so can you. 

Make a plan and stick to it.

 Here's what I look like at 60- and I'm always trying to get that Superhero physique. You can, too! 

(Photo- me in 2021 as the Kingdom Come Superman - comics fans know what that means, with a Supergirl I met there)

1 comment:

  1. First of all… happy birthday Rob! You look amazing..thanks for the inspiration to get back to pre pandemic shape!
