Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Were dinosaurs warm blooded? New study says yes

As far as I can recall, dinosaurs were usually considered cold blooded, like reptiles. But recent research indicates that may not be true. Here's the recent research that says, "no."

Were dinosaurs warm blooded? New study says yes

Analysis of bones shows they may have had high metabolism 

 26 MAY 20221:55 PMBYTESS JOOSSE, Science

Modern reptile blood runs cold, but modern bird blood is warm—so where do dinosaurs fit in?

A new study of thigh bones from Plesiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Diplodocus, Allosaurus, and modern hummingbirds (illustrated above) posits that the extinct animals were warm blooded, CNN reports. Imaging the bones with infrared spectroscopy, scientists found an abundance of molecules produced as waste during oxygen inhalation, they report this week in Nature. The molecules are a sure sign of a high-powered metabolism, which warm-blooded animals use to keep their body temperatures constant, they say.

Past hypotheses suggested dinos couldn’t survive fallout from the asteroid that hit Earth 66 million years ago because of their low metabolism; the new study argues this premise, the authors say.

Were dinosaurs warm blooded? New study says yes

Analysis of bones shows they may have had high metabolism LINK TO PAPER:

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