Sunday, July 24, 2022

Idiot of the Week: Woman Assaulted mother and daughter for speaking Spanish

The bigots and idiots continue to feel empowered from 4 years of it, and even in Boston, my hometown, and one of the most liberal-leaning, most accepting states, the Bigots still come out. That's what happened when a white woman decided to assault 2 women who were speaking Spanish to each other on a sidewalk (and it had nothing to do with the bigot). Here's the story from the Boston Globe:

 (Photo:  Stephanie Armstrong  (left) was found guilty on charges of assault and battery, but not of civil rights violations. Stephanie Armstrong in court earlier this year. She was sentenced Thursday to two years probation. Aram Boghosian/The Boston Globe By Ross Cristantiello

Woman accused of assaulting mother and daughter for speaking Spanish 30, 2022

A woman accused of assaulting a mother and daughter for speaking Spanish on a Boston street was sentenced Thursday to two years probation.

Stephanie Armstrong was found guilty on charges of assault and battery, but not of civil rights violations, NBC 10 reported.

Earlier this year, civil rights organizations publicly decried what they said was an overly lenient sentence given to another woman accused of assaulting the mother and her teenage daughter. That woman, Jenny Leigh Ennamorati, struck a plea deal in February for 15 months probation. Prosecutors first sought two years probation, The Boston Globe reported.

Armstrong, the other woman charged with assault, took the case to trial.

The incident occurred on Feb. 15, 2020, when Sara Vasquez and her then 15-year-old daughter were walking in Maverick Square in East Boston. Vasquez testified this week that the two were heading home after a birthday dinner and were chatting in Spanish, CBS Boston reported. Two white women began following them and yelling phrases like “Go back to your country,” and “this country speaks English.”

The confrontation then turned physical. Vasquez testified that Armstrong and Ennamorati started hitting her and pulling her hair, resulting in injuries to her neck, face, and hand.

The incident was captured on surveillance video, which shows one woman rushing across the street to hit Vasquez, who then punches back.

Armstrong faced four charges for assault and civil rights violations.

After Armstrong’s sentencing, Vasquez said she was “disappointed, because they have been working on this for two years and I think it ended in nothing,” according to NBC 10.

Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden also voiced his opinion on the trial’s result. “I find it terribly disappointing that she wasn’t also convicted of violating their civil rights. This unforgivable assault exposed an ugly side of our society that my office—and I hope every caring citizen—will never tolerate,” he wrote in a statement.

Armstrong’s attorney said that Ennamorati was the one who began yelling at the mother and daughter that night, and that it was Ennamorati who initiated the physical altercation, according to WCVB. Armstrong maintains that she got involved in an effort to break up the fight.

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