Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Research: Severe COVID-19 may cause similar cognitive deficits as 20 years of aging

It's amazing to think there are still people in the U.S. who are so dumb that they don't think COVID is a serious disease. New research shows that severe cases of COVID (usually found in the unvaccinated) ages some brain functions by 20 years, cognitive impairments AND brain shrinkage! Here's the story from livescience.

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Severe COVID-19 may cause similar cognitive deficits as 20 years of aging

By Nicoletta Lanese LIVESCIENCE, May 5, 2022

Severe infection was linked to lasting deficits.

People who require hospitalization for COVID-19 develop lingering cognitive problems similar to what you'd expect if they'd aged 20 years.

That's according to a new study conducted in the United Kingdom and published online on April 28 in the journal eClinicalMedicine. The research is somewhat limited in that it included fewer than 50 COVID-19 patients, but it adds to the ample body of research already suggesting that the coronavirus infection leaves a lasting impact on the brain.

For example, a 2021 study showed that many COVID long-haulers — those who experience various symptoms for weeks or months after their initial infection — reported experiencing multiple brain-related symptoms, including "brain fog," or trouble thinking, headache and the loss of sense of smell or taste, Live Science previously reported. These lingering symptoms weren't unique to those who developed severe COVID-19 infections, but also affected those who experienced only mild illness, according to the study.

More recently, a large study found distinct patterns of brain shrinkage in hundreds of people who previously caught COVID-19, and it's possible that this abnormal atrophy may contribute to patients' observed cognitive deficits, the authors suggested. FULL ARTICLE:

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