Monday, January 10, 2022

My (Vaccinated) Omicron covid experience - 8 days in (and tips for you)

I've been blogging information from the CDC and science journals about vaccines and protecting yourself from COVID-19 since it started, I am fortunately fully-vaccinated and boosted. Unfortunately, the Omicron variant of COVID19 is wildly contagious and has been causing a lot of breakthrough cases (meaning to the vaccinated) all over the world (including quite a few vaccinated friends). The GOOD NEWS is that if vaccinated, the symptoms are usually congestion, headache, sore throat, cough and oddly muscle cramps.  

Here's my experience 8 days in, so that you can compare to your own.

1) Day before -I had AM chest congestion, that cleared after a lot of coffee and water

2) Day 1 - Awoke coughing discolored sputum and it HURT to cough. Felt like burning in upper chest. That told me it was an upper respiratory issue, so I thought it was Bronchitis. **Fortunately we had home tests. Mine showed POSITIVE for OMICRON. 

NOTE ABOUT HOME TESTING: The Positive line was LIGHT in COLOR - THAT MEANS: the virus is starting in your system (or ending). A Same day telehealth visit with my Doctor confirmed it. Since I am asthmatic and prone to bronchitis, he prescribed prednisone - which has helped. **On Day 2, another Test showed a very DARK LINE on the positive test, indicating I was in full-blown virus infection. 

QUARANTINE IMMEDIATELY - After the positive test, I quarantined myself upstairs (away from everyone) and the Doc said I need to Wear a Mask Indoors 24 Hours/7 Days for 10 days. ***SLEEPING with a mask on is challenging (it hurts the ears).SLEEP - Try to keep a window open (yes, it's wintertime). *MORNINGS/WINDOWS/PETS- Open windows, turn on the Fan to get virus particles out. (If you have pets, okay to let them in after your room airs out 1 hour)- Don't let your pets sleep in the same room - because your mask can fall off (and believe me, it hurts your ears to sleep in a Mask!!) 

3) OMICRON GIVES WEIRD DREAMS and BRAIN FOG- The first night I kept having weird dreams/waking all the time seeing like electrical charges - like DNA strands in my head. - Sleep was erratic until day 5 after the congestion stopped. The 5th night was my first good sleep.  You may also find it a little hard to focus over the first 5 days.

(Photo: Even superheroes can get the Omicron variant! Rob as Kingdom come Superman at the comicCon in Oct. 2021).

4) OMICRON MUSCLE CRAMPS - I had muscle cramps in one leg, and on my right side for several nights. Others have reported the same thing. (Take Potassium or eat a Banana to quell them). 

(UPDATE ON FINDINGS 1-14-22- Why might COVID cause back pain? During viral infections, the body releases a ton of small proteins called cytokines to rev up the immune system in order to fight the pathogen. According to Jacob Hascalovic, a neurologist, interventional pain specialist and the chief medical officer and co-founder of chronic pain telehealth platform Clearing, one of the consequences of these pro-inflammatory cytokines is that they can greatly irritate muscles and joints. Patients in So. Africa, India & Norway reported muscle cramps and back pain.

5) PEAKING  - Days 2, 3 and 4 were the most miserable. Head congestion wouldn't stop. Coughing up mucus, and chest congestion. Day 5, the head congestion dissipated, chest congestion remained but much less and no pain coughing. Day 8 just AM chest congestion and a little coughing, but it was minimal. 

6) WHAT YOU NEED: 1) Tylenol 2) Mucinex - night and day 3) Potassium for muscle cramps (if asthmatic - inhalers). 4) vaporizer to keep warm moist air in the room to break up congestion. **IF YOU HAVE ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS like me- I had to get a prescription for Prednisone to help clear my lungs. That's a 9 day Rx and it's helping- but it's clear the infection is still somewhat there. 

7) 10 DAYS - KEEP MASK ON IN HOUSE FOR 10 DAYS.  Although the CDC says 5 days to isolate, you are still contagious until day 10 (even though viral load is lesser) so, if you MUST go out, wear your MASK. *Please don't eat out until at least 10 days. No one else needs to get this.

8) BIG THANKS - A Huge thanks to my husband and friend and roommate Jeff- both of whom have made me meals and LOTS of coffee.. and of course our dogs for their emotional support. 

9) RETESTING- Before rejoining the household and going maskless, you need to retest - with a home test, or at a clinic (Don't Go to Hospitals!!! - they're too busy with patients!!) 

10) TESTING UPDATE - Day 8 re-test showed STILL POSITIVE for COVID, so 5 days of quarantining. Arrrrrrggggghhh!!

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