Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Greece Trip #21: The White Volcanic Ash Beach and "Tom Catting"

In today's blog, we're still touring the island of Milos, Greece and we visited a strange beach, that's not what you would think of a beach having sand. Instead, it has wind-carved volcanic rock! It's called Sarakiniko Beach and here's the background.  The second part of this blog focuses on Tom befriending the locals... well, local feral cats! You'll also learn WHY there are so many feral cats on the Greek Islands. Read on! 

(Photo: Sarakiniko beach. Harbors and Havens.org) 

OUR EXPERIENCE - Because the beach was quite a distance from our hotel, the entire tour group rode ATVs (All-terrain vehicles) to the beach and walked down a long gravel path to get to the whitish rocks. Among the whitish-colored, smooth volcanic rock, as you descend toward the ocean (which is a crystal blue), you'll find a few pools of water.  There was one major lagoon that was about 100 feet by 100 feet and many people were laying around it. The water was quite cold!  There was one lone olive tree amongst the rocks, and that's where Rob sat, while Tom soaked up the sun on the rocks! 

 WHERE IS IT LOCATED? It is located along the coastal road east of Adamas, north-east of Milos.

(Photo right: Many of our tour group on their ATVs near the beach. Credit: R.G.) 

HOW DID THE ROCK-CARVED BEACH FORM? - Sarakiniko beach is located on the north shore of the Milos Island, Greece, Waves driven by north winds shape the greyish-white volcanic rock into amazing shapes, and the area is often compared to a moonscape. The bone-white beach derives its unusual characteristics from the erosion of the volcanic rock by wind and waves. 

FAST FACT: Sarakiniko is one of the most photographed landscapes in the Aegean. 

TOM CATTING - There are a lot of feral cats on the island of Milos, and there's a reason. They have a rat and mouse problem, so they let the cats breed to keep those populations in check. That said, the cats always find their way to outdoor restaurants and whenever we had breakfast on the outside patio at our hotel, Tom would get catty with a local feral cat (and feed him treats). 


NEXT: A Beach Surrounded by Very High Volcanic Cliffs

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