Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Greece Vacation #6: Who Was Hadrian and What about his Library and Arch?

Today's blog about our vacation finds us in Athens, and we're taking you to Hadrian's library, or really, what's left of it. You'll learn who Hadrian was and you'll see the remnants of his library. All of it is located in Monastiraki Square. You'll also see Hadrian's Arch, too, although the two are not located in the same place. 
(Photo: Front side of Hadrian's Library. Cr: Tom.W)

Born Publius Aelius Hadrianus, in Italica (modern Spain), Hadrian is best known for his literary pursuits, his substantial building projects throughout the Roman Empire, and, especially, Hadrian's Wall in northern BritainEmperor Hadrian ruled over the Roman Empire from 117-138 AD. Hadrian cared for his people, spent Rome's money well and strengthened the Empire. For all these reasons and more, he is remembered as one of the 'Five Good Emperors.

(Photo: Looking at Hadrian's Library from the backside -where we walked. Credit: R.G)

HOW WAS ROMAN EMPEROR HADRIAN IN GREECE? The Roman Empire included Greece. Hadrian, whose realm stretched from Britain to Babylonia, had a well-known passion for Greece, which he had cultivated since he was a child. Out of all the cities under Rome's control, Hadrian selected Athens as his  intellectual home, a city on which he would lavish funds on building monuments. 

(Image; Emperor Hadrian. Credit: Britannica)

(Photo: Tom, Bill, Bill and Rob looking for Hadrian's Arch in Athens!)

HOW HADRIAN SHOWED HIS LOVE OF GREECE - Hadrian was the first Roman emperor to wear a full beard. This has usually been seen as a mark of his devotion to Greece and Greek culture. Hadrian openly displayed his love of Greek culture.

(Photo: Hadrian's Arch. Credit: Tom W.) 

The Arch of Hadrian, most commonly known in Greek as Hadrian's Gate, is a monumental gateway resembling—in some respects—a Roman triumphal arch. It spanned an ancient road from the center of Athens, Greece, to the complex of structures on the eastern side of the city that included the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Built around 131 A.D, it measures 18 meters (59 feet) high and 13.5 meters (11.5 feet) wide.  
WHAT IS WRITTEN ON THE ARCH? There were two inscriptions on the arch, facing in opposite directions, naming both Theseus and Hadrian as founders of Athens.  

(Photo: Side view of Hadrian's Arch. Credit; Rob G.) 

NEXT: Ed's Spirit Tosses a Coin Near the Olympic Stadium

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