Friday, August 13, 2021

Science Agencies Trying to Recover from when Anti-Science People Ran the Gov't

I'm a meteorologist, and I personally get disgusted, angry and disheartened when fools who don't "believe" in science (which is FACT) is reality. The previous tenant of the White House fired many scientists. Others quit or retired early. They couldn't take the stupidity of downplaying climate change to suit that moron's political agenda. I don't blame them. Now, however, we finally have a leader who believes in Science. Who listens to the experts. And now, all those people are still gone from the government. That makes it harder to get things done in the science community in federal agencies. The stupidity caused by the orange fool continues to hurt us today, 8 months after he left office. Here's the story from the New York Times.

Biden’s Climate Plans Are Stunted After Dejected Experts Fled Trump

Hundreds of scientists and policy experts left the government during the Trump administration. The jobs remain unfilled nearly six months into President Biden’s term.

By Coral Davenport, Lisa Friedman and Christopher FlavellePublished Aug. 1, 2021Updated Aug. 2, 2021, 7:46 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON — Juliette Hart quit her job last summer as an oceanographer for the United States Geological Survey, where she used climate models to help coastal communities plan for rising seas. She was demoralized after four years of the Trump administration, she said, in which political appointees pressured her to delete or downplay mentions of climate change.

“It’s easy and quick to leave government, not so quick for government to regain the talent,” said Dr. Hart, whose job remains vacant.

President Donald J. Trump’s battle against climate science — his appointees undermined federal studies, fired scientists and drove many experts to quit or retire — continues to reverberate six months into the Biden administration. From the Agriculture Department to the Pentagon to the National Park Service, hundreds of jobs in climate and environmental science across the federal government remain vacant.

Scientists and climate policy experts who quit have not returned. Recruitment is suffering, according to federal employees, as government science jobs are no longer viewed as insulated from politics. And money from Congress to replenish the ranks could be years away.

“The attacks on science have a much longer lifetime than just the lifetime of the Trump administration,” said John Holdren, professor of environmental science and policy at Harvard and a top science adviser to President Barack Obama during his two terms. p> At the Environmental Protection Agency, new climate rules and clean air regulations ordered by President Biden could be held up for months or even years, according to interviews with 10 current and former E.P.A. climate policy staff members. p> The Interior Department has lost scientists who study the impacts of drought, heat waves and rising seas caused by a warming planet. The Agriculture Department has lost economists who study the impacts of climate change on the food supply. The Energy Department has a shortage of experts who design efficiency standards for appliances like dishwashers and refrigerators to reduce the pollution they emit.

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