Monday, June 14, 2021

Recent Experiences I Had to Put Behind Me (a Rude person and 2 Radio shows)

 It's natural to get disappointed and even frustrated when you give yourself to people and expect the bare minimum back and don't even get that. I felt that disappointment twice this past weekend, once with a really disorganized radio show that was supposed to interview me and seemed to forget (2nd time), and another with a friend of a friend, for whom I was considerate of his depression during the pandemic. Here's the story.

The  Unkind "friend of a friend" - Facebook and other social media apps can link you up with some pretty weird and stressful people. 

    In 2019, a friend of a friend connected to me via a social media App. I did NOT connect to him first. He is also into science, fitness and is a pet parent. I made small talk in the beginning as we all do. 

    When the pandemic hit, he mentioned he was battling depression. So, every week or two, between March 11, 2020 and April 1, 2021 (vaccines were out by then) I would email him, pay him a compliment (you do that for people in depression) and just check in, trying to be a good person

    This weekend, I said, "Since we've been messaging for 2 years and you live close by, it would be nice to finally meet you in person for a cup of coffee." I was stunned by his response: "I have no desire whatsoever to meet with you."  -   I thought, okay, well, that was quite rude to me, who has shown nothing but kindness to this stranger. So, I deleted the connection.  **I just don't understand that kind of rude, selfish behavior, and would prefer to spend my time on people who appreciate me.** 

THE RADIO INTERVIEWS THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN (3 times)- I contact a lot of paranormal radio/internet/YouTube programs and try and get interviews about my latest books. I'm my own promoter, and when you write a book you have to do that to keep your name out there.  That said, I've been doing this for about 11 years, and I've only run into 2 programs and show hosts that have been totally inconsiderate. **In BOTH instances I was glad the hosts showed their true colors, because it would have been 2 very uncomfortable interviews.  

The first one happened about 2 years ago with two women who had their own psychic radio show. At that time I messaged them, sent them a press release, a free book (upon request), etc. and they said they'd get back to me in a month. Four months later I contacted them and they were quite rude.   Then, out of nowhere, they got political for some reason (likely because I'm gay and out) and told me they loved Trump. It had nothing to do with my book, me or the paranormal. I then turned them down. I told them that if they praise someone who has hurt people of color, LGBTQ people and anyone of another religion, then they are not doing what spirit wants them to do - which is to welcome all and heal. Fortunately, I never heard from them again. I was so GLAD that they decided to show their colors. No loss.

The Second Radio interview that didn't happen was this weekend.  I initially contacted the show hosts in early May and they set May 28th as the date for the interview. That night, I sat waiting at my computer for their call or email to join. I messaged them and emailed them around 10pm EDT telling them I was standing by. Nothing. 
    The next day, a woman with the show messaged and said "The host is so busy." 
    The host messaged me days later and said, "June 11th at 10pm ET is the new date. We'll send you a link to join the show via zoom at 9:55pm ET." This past Friday night, again, NOTHING. I sent emails, messenger notes and received no reply.
 As I waited until 10:15pm, I was listening to the show- and shockingly, the host was spouting right-wing propaganda!  I thought: - I'm so GLAD they decided to show their colors, too. NO THANKS.

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