Sunday, March 7, 2021

Idiots of the Week: Some Hispanic pastors and Catholic Bishops - Call COVID Vaccine "Mark of the Devil"

 The stupidity is astounding. What is it that people don't get about a DEADLY Pandemic?  Over 500,000 Americans have died from COVID19.  But Bishops of the U.S. Catholic Church are telling people NOT to take the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. How uncaring and ignorant. Further, some Hispanic pastors in Miami are being irresponsible about people's health and endangering their congregations and those they associate with. Some pastors are calling COVID19 vaccines the "Mark of the Devil." They are  dangerous. One of these fools is Albert Ixchu, founding pastor of the Iglesia Fraternidad de Fe - the Church of the Brotherhood of Faith. Here are 4 reasons to ponder: 

Here's the news about the Catholic Bishops "CATHOLICS URGED TO SHUN J&J VACCINE" The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has asked American Catholics to avoid Johnson & Johnson’s new COVID-19 vaccine if possible because researchers used stem cells distantly linked to two abortions decades ago. The bishops’ declaration could affect vaccine distribution, since many churches serve as vaccination centers. 

First, people should listen to doctors and scientists and never listen to religions about science. Throughout history, religions have proven they know nothing about science. Most recently, look at all of the preachers who held in-person church services through COVID19, caught the virus and died. Quite a number of them. 

Second, these pastors are scaring the hell out of people from getting a vaccine or telling them Not to get one.. Vaccines will save their lives and the lives of everyone that comes in contact with them. 

Third, these pastors and Bishops MUST be jailed. They are a danger to the public through stupidity and false information used to scare people and prevent the country from finally getting a stronghold on COVID19.  

Finally, these pastors and Bishops need to walk into a COVID19 hospital ward and get infected themselves. Once they or their loved ones suffer and even pass, then they'll likely stop the stupidity. You would think they would have learned from all of the dead pastors who defied doctors and held in-person church services  when told not to have mass gatherings.  

Here's the short story about the Miami Pastors; The Miami Herald reported on Feb. 11: 

Mark of the devil’: Some Hispanic pastors contribute to vaccine skepticism in Miami 

A pastor at a Hispanic church in Homestead raised concerns about the implications of getting vaccinated against COVID-19, warning his congregation about the “mark of the beast” and the specter of a “satanic, totalitarian” government coming to power.

Albert Ixchu, founding pastor of the Iglesia Fraternidad de Fe - the Church of the Brotherhood of Faith - spoke during a Sunday sermon on January 17th, a streamed video of the Spanish-language church service shows.

Ixchu is just one of several pastors in evangelical churches in Miami-Dade County who share their skepticism about the vaccine and continue to minimize the risk of the pandemic, even though the winter months in South Florida have seen cases rise. And some proponents fear that pastor rhetoric - part of a wider trend of misinformation about the vaccine in Latin American churches - could lead to lower vaccination rates.

A former Fraternidad de Fe parishioner who asked to remain anonymous because he has relatives who are heavily involved in the Church told the Herald that the pastor's claims regarding the vaccine will "create some dangerous situations" .

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