Sunday, March 28, 2021

Idiots of the Week: Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and GOP-Georgia Legislature Signs Extreme Voter Limits into Law

This week's Idiots are people who believe in restricting voting rights. HOW does that help people elect someone? It doesn't.   As someone who votes in every election, I just don't understand why Republicans want to limit voting as much as possible. The party and their governor in Iowa just signed into law a bill that places extreme restrictions on the ability of people to vote.   Georgia Republicans did the SAME thing.  

    Why is that? Because their base is really old white people (who are generally racists) and always vote on election day. Meanwhile, they understand that people who are liberal thinkers tend to be employed, educated and include people of color. Employed people find it harder to get to the polls- and that's the truth. Just read the new stupid restrictions in the article here from the Sioux City Journal - Gov. Kim Reynolds YOU are this week's idiot for signing this extremely restrictive law that inhibits all voters from casting a ballot.  Here's the story>

Iowa Governor  Kim Reynolds Signs Extreme Voter Limits into Law

 .Tim Hynds, Sioux City Journal

ERIN MURPHY Journal Des Moines Bureau

DES MOINES — Gov. Kim Reynolds on Monday signed into law sweeping legislation that will significantly alter Iowa’s elections, including by reducing the amount of time for early voting.

The legislation was rushed through the law-making process by majority Republicans — it was introduced and passed by the Iowa Legislature in just more than a week — and became law with only Republican support.

Under the new law:

 • The polls will close on Election Day at 8 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. 

 • The number of days to vote early is reduced from 29 to 20. (Until two years ago, Iowa’s early voting period had been 40 days.) 

 • Absentee ballots cannot be mailed to voters until 20 days before the election, down from 29 days, with limited exceptions. 

• Local officials can only mail out an absentee ballot request form if the voter requests one.

 • There can be only one drop box per county for dropping off completed early ballots. 

 • Local elections officials face stricter requirements before setting up a satellite early voting location. 

 • Voters must return and submit their own early ballot, with limited exceptions. 

 • Early ballots must be received by the county auditor by Election Day. With limited exceptions, early ballots that arrive after Election Day will not be counted, no matter when they were mailed. 

 • A voter’s registration status is changed to inactive after missing just one election. 

 • County auditors face stronger penalties, including a Class “D” felony, for violating elections laws.

Under the new law, Iowa’s early voting window is shortened to just less than the national average. However, the shortened time in which absentee ballots can be mailed out to voters puts Iowa in the bottom handful of states. 


Here's what the Georgia GOP did on March 9, 2021:


The Republican-controlled Georgia Senate has passed legislation to suppress voting rights. The bill would end no-excuse absentee voting, among other restrictions. It's expected to pass the Georgia House, but Republican Gov. Brian Kemp hasn't said whether he will sign it. The move follows unprecedented election wins for Democrats in Georgia.

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