Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Adjusting Ceiling Fans Properly for Summer and Winter

 If you didn't know ceiling fans can be used in both summer and winter, well, now you do. Using them all year will help you save energy costs. The trick is making it spin the proper way. Today's blog will explain.

IN WINTER - In the winter, you should set your fan to turn clockwise. Clockwise is constantly turning to the right (when you look up at it).

WHAT IT DOES IN WINTER - This pulls air up toward the ceiling, displacing the warmer air that has risen and pushing it back down toward the walls and floor. Keep it on the lowest speed to prevent any wind chill. 

IN SUMMER -  In the summer, your fan should spin counterclockwise to improve air flow and create a breeze. 

WHERE IS THE ADJUSTMENT SWITCH? You can usually find the switch to change your fan’s direction on the motor casing (just under the blades

TURN OFF THE FAN WHEN OUT OF THE HOUSE - Running your ceiling fan all day–specifically, when nobody is home–could be more wasteful than it is helpful. Since it doesn't actually cool the air, you're running an electric device for essentially no reason.

CEILING FANS DON'T USE A LOT OF ELECTRICITYWhile a ceiling fan uses between 10 and 120 watts, air conditioners can use anywhere between 750 and 3,500 watts

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