Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Novelization of DC Comics "Countdown 52" Series by Greg Cox

Today's blog is about a novelization I just read, based on a large series of comics.   In 2011,
DC Comics ran a weekly series for 1 year called, appropriately, Countdown 52.

MY TAKE ON THE STORY:   Although I bought the comics in 2011 and read them at the time, I thought they were okay. The series focused on 5 main characters that have always been "second rate" characters. The most recognizable to everyone is Jimmy Olsen (everyone knows Superman's pal). The other three were a lot more obscure. Regardless, I was excited to find a novelization of the series, so I bought it. It only reminded me why I sold that batch of 52 comics. 

 Two of the other characters were killed off in previous DC Comics storylines and found themselves alive with the Multiverse rebooted: 1) Wonder Girl (Donna Troy) and 2) The 2nd of Batman's Robins - Jason Todd. After he was resurrected he became the violent hero known as the "Red Hood."  The fourth character was a woman who filled in for Selina Kyle when she wasn't being Catwoman for a time. Again, not well known characters... The fifth character was Mary Marvel, Shazam's sister- who winds up going bad and angry with bad energy. 

BOTTOM LINE - The story dragged. It was hard to get interested in these characters. The only saving grace of the story was the search for the superhero known as the Atom (That part of the comics I kept and still have). But, I would skip it... unless you like these characters. - Rob 

  BOOK SUMMARYFive unlikely superheroes must defend Earth against the machinations of Darkseid and the New Gods of Apokolips.

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