Thursday, February 18, 2021

New Animated "Dr. Seuss-like" video on "Wear a Mask" (narrated by actor Mark Hamill)

Actor Mark Hamill from Star Wars fame (as Luke Skywalker) recently recorded a vocal track for “Will You Wear A Mask? I Ask,” a Dr. Seuss-style book about the need to wear face masks in public. Maybe this will help the simple-minded and selfish people who still refuse to wear masks to understand how wrong they are, not only for their sake, but for the sake of others, too. Below is the story and link to the 4 minute animation: 

The Huffington post reported that Hamill recorded the vocal track for an animation based on a book by Tom Ruegger. In the book, two characters debate about the need to wear facial coverings in public during a pandemic. 

 The anti-masker ― who wears a red baseball cap ― has lots of “reasons” he won’t cover his face at a local business, most of them based on falsehoods: “The COVID virus is a hoax/ Except for sickly old folks/ I’m immune!/ I read on Reddit!/ I’m healthy so I just can’t get it.” 

 The anti-masker claims the Constitution allows him not to wear a mask, and he even claims to have a doctor’s note. However, the mask-wearing creature won’t accept it: “Your doctor’s note has little use/ Since it was signed by Dr. Seuss.” Watch a narrated video of the story below. Proceeds from the book will be donated to World Central Kitchen, a charity that helps provide food for communities in need.


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