Monday, February 22, 2021

16 Years Ago Today: Here's How My Dog Buzz Changed the World

 Today, February 22nd, is the anniversary of the tragic day my Weimaraner puppy, Buzz, was tragically killed by a car at 7 months old. But like everyone, we all have a purpose, and Buzz, through his continual messages and signs from the afterlife, taught me how pets communicate from the other side. Buzz changed the world. Today's blog explains how he did just that. 

Buzz's signs from moving objects, to the sounds of his feet walking around the house after his passing, to jingling a collar, visibly appearing, leading me and others to look-alikes, and even using music as signs helped open my abilities to communicate with pets on the other side. Buzz also inspired me to write my first book "Ghosts and Spirits" which has an entire chapter devoted to those many first signs. 

Since he passed in 2005, and since the first book came out in 2010, and I was inspired to write "Pets and the Afterlife (1)" that published in 2014, I've heard from thousands of pet parents around the world. I've provided thousands of messages from pets in the afterlife. Thanks to Buzz, I've been able to offer understanding how pets communicate from the other side, and help people through their loss and grief.

Since then, I've published 2 more books in the series, "Pets and the Afterlife 2" and "Pets and the Afterlife 3: Messages from Spirit Dogs."  They've all attained "Best seller status on Amazon, so I know they're reaching people and hopefully bringing comfort. 

I'm writing this today, because today marks 16 years since Buzz left me physically, but he continues to be around in spirit. You'll see Buzz's photo on the front cover of Pets and the Afterlife (1). Like your pets in spirit, he's always around, and it doesn't matter how long he's been physically gone. He's still here.

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