Sunday, November 22, 2020

Idiot of the Week: 15 Year Senator Doesn't Understand Puerto Rico and Elections (I Bet a 5th Grader Does!)

 Last week's idiot of the week was newly elected to the U.S. Senate from Alabama, and he didn't know history or politics. This week's idiot is a U.S. Senator who has been in office for the last 15 years (elected from Texas) doesn't know about and he doesn't know that residents of Puerto Rico don't have the ability to vote for the U.S. President (because it's a territory).  I bet your 5th grader would know that! 

FACT: Residents of Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories do not have voting representation in the United States Congress, and are not entitled to electoral votes for president. ... Like other territories, Puerto Rico can participate in the presidential primary process.

Senator John Cornyn roasted over Puerto Rico election tweet 

Newly re-elected U.S. Senator John Cornyn faced swift criticism Thursday (Nov. 12) over a tweet he shared about claims of uncounted votes a week after the election in Puerto Rico.

"Another example of why it is prudent to let the process run its course: Thousands of Uncounted Votes Found a Week After Election in Puerto Rico," Cornyn wrote. 

 Puerto Ricans don't get to vote for president, and the territory doesn't send members to Congress. Reaction from Twitter users was swift and pointed. 

 "OK I'm missing something here. You do know Puerto Rico doesn't vote in presidential elections?" one user wrote. 

 "HELLO SENATOR, Google is a great tool. You should use it," another tweeted. Cornyn wrote the tweet in response to a New York Times story on local elections in the United States territory. Cornyn later tweeted a clarification. "Neither the story or my comments are limited to presidential elections," the Senator wrote, but didn't explain what he meant.

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