Sunday, November 15, 2020

Idiot of the Week: Test Your 5th Grader: A Football Coach Elected Politician Who FAILED History

OH. MY. GOSH. Alabamans just tossed the educated Doug Jones out of the Senate and instead voted in a moron named Tommy Tuberville (a former Football coach) who apparently knows nothing about history or politics. If you have a 5th grader at home, ask them these questions and then watch this idiot on video.

1) Tuberville (R-AL) incorrectly identified the three branches of the U.S. government  were: "The House," The Senate" and "The Executive."

THE CORRECT ANSWER: "Executive," "Judicial," and "Legislative" (the latter makes up the House and Senate)

2) He also incorrectly said the U.S. fought "socialism" and "communism" in World War II - 

THE CORRECT ANSWER:  The Allies (U.S., Russia, Britain, and other European nations) fought against the Nazis of Germany. NOT "socialists" and NOT "communists." 

3) Said he couldn't wait to move into the Dirksen Senate Building so he could fundraise

THAT'S ILLEGAL - It is Illegal to fundraise for political office on Federal Property- and is a violation of the Hatch Act. 

Way to go, Alabama. Elect people who don't even know 5th grade level questions about our government.

Here's the VIDEO:

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