Monday, November 9, 2020

Dolly Keeps Sending Signs She's Okay- Another Dachshund!

Spirits connect to our friends because the love we feel for them is like an invisible tether or
energy, and spirits, as energy can follow that trail. That's why they're able to give signs to our friends that we may miss in our grief.

The week Dolly passed, she visited my friend and fellow author Josie Naclerio's house in the Carolinas. Dolly visited because she was bonded to our Dachshunds Franklin (whom passed) and Tyler, and Josie has two dachshunds. So it makes sense that Dolly's spirit would seek out a friend who also has a Dachshund and it's the timing that confirms her visit.

Josie mentioned that her Dachshund Stuie (pictured right) seemed to be in tune with spirits. You'll read about Stuie's spirit sighting experience later in this book in the chapter called "Harley's Dragonfly and Window Appearance."

Dolly passed on Thursday, Oct. 22. Josie said that weekend, Stuie went into a particular room by himself (as if following someone in spirit) and sat on the floor. She said Stuie never barked just sat there until she noticed him. She said, "This is not a normal behavior of his, and he hasn't done it in a long time. He never appears scared, either. I just didn't think much about Stuie going and sitting in the bedroom again, since he hadn't done it in a very long time, until I started reading your friend Jane's story."

Dolly seemed to be making the rounds with my friends, especially the ones who were or are Dachshund parents. The timing is the thing that makes the event understandable. Since Stuie had not gone off like that for quite a while, it makes sense that he was following a visiting spirit, and Dolly was actively trying to get messages to me through my friends right after her passing. Remember, there's no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to spirit.


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