Saturday, October 24, 2020

What do you think? One Political Party puts up Fake "Ballot Drop off boxes"

What would you think if ANY political party put up fake "Ballot Drop off Boxes"? Obviously they
were going to go through the ballots, pick out the ballots voting for the other party and trash them, then mail in the ones who voted for their party. That's a NO-brainer. 

 SO, what would you think? It makes ME furious. That one party is obviously trying anything dirty and illegal to get the most votes. They are also suppressing the vote, by tricking people. It's Appalling  It happened on Oct. 13th in California. 

The Republican party was responsible for doing just that. SHAME on them. As of October, 15th, the GOP of California REFUSED to remove them. *They FINALLY did on Oct. 19th* (Story below) 

California officials said on Monday they were sending cease-and-desist orders to state Republican leaders demanding removal of "unofficial, unauthorized" ballot collection boxes placed by the party in at least three counties in violation of election law.

Oct. 15, 2020: CALIFORNIA GOP WON'T REMOVE FAKE BALLOT BOXES With more than 1.5 million votes already cast in California, state Republican Party leaders said they refuse to comply with an order from the state’s chief elections official to remove unofficial ballot drop boxes from counties with competitive U.S. House races. Secretary of State Alex Padilla and Attorney General Xavier Becerra, both Democrats, say these unofficial ballot drop boxes are illegal and have ordered Republicans to remove them by Thursday. They worry voters will confuse these Republican boxes with the official ballot drop boxes put in place and monitored by county election officials.

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