Saturday, October 17, 2020

My Reflections on a Very Challenging Week

Everyone continues to try and get through this pandemic and it causes a lot of stress. We know! Although really not pandemic related- other than the 2nd item, recently 3 things have made for a VERY challenging Week. 

1) Work- Devastated me. For the last 15 years I've written storm updates using satellite imagery to explain to the world how scientists are working to analyze storms. Now, management decided daily storm updates are too many (despite even letters from around the world thanking me for helping save their lives about oncoming storms). There's so much more to this, but know this. This was my legacy at work. Now, its current form has ENDED abruptly and at some point will be just a monthly (if that) "highlight" of a landfalling storm (if there are more than one, who knows). It was intended to be a daily update. No longer.  In fact, some of the managers were insulting in their comment of "less quantity, more quality." As a meteorologist I strive for accuracy and have fortunately not put out anything inaccurate in 15 years. It's also made me feel unappreciated and I've lost my motivation.  I understand the need to change, but they didn't even involve me in the process, had they done that I likely would have been less offended. It was an abrupt "Kill order." That's what was also disturbing.  That's what happened this week. 

2) Disappointment in Someone.  A friend (#1) whom Tom and I have been trying to help while down on his luck for the last 9 months has said some hurtful things, and got angry when we helped another friend store stuff in our house for a while. That guy asked why friend #2 could come over and he can't. Well, Friend #2 needed our help and quarantined for 10 days before coming over. He was respectful of us and our concerns. Friend #1 doesn't get that.  We have been extraordinarily cautious and careful with this virus. I don't understand why someone can't respect that. It's our house. It's our decision.  THOUGHTS?

3) Everyone expects Everything Free -  I've been doing pet-related events and am being peppered with requests for FREE medium readings. I've tried to establish a policy that if someone buys a book, I'll give them one on weekends. But no one gets a book and everyone begs for a free reading. Once they get it, they disappear. They only tell others where they can get something free. Each reading takes about 20 minutes of my time... so it's not like a 2 minute thing... (don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping people, I'm just worn out).    SO, I'm thinking of charging $5 or $10 for a reading. THOUGHTS?


  1. Definitely charge for readings if they don't buy a book. $10 is very reasonable.
    On the friend. YOUR house, your rules, if someone doesn't want to abide that's on them, and they're not really a true friend. NEVER feel bad for safeguarding your family first.
    Sadly, employers (regardless of industry) are no longer concerned with their employees, nor loyal to them, but expect absolute loyalty from the employee. Maybe it's a sign that there is something better awaiting you.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. You always have the best advice!

  2. You give way to much of yourself as it is. Charge for your readings and your time, if people really want one they will pay. I would say even charge if they buy your book, the book isn't that much and you put a lot of hard work and time in them already. Don't give yourself away. I agree with Jackie, your home your rules, if they were a friend they would understand. Work is always changing and us little people get caught up in it. It does hurt but we do move on with the times. Just think less work for you and you can still make a difference with a weekly or monthly. Hugs
