Tuesday, August 11, 2020

In Memory of Milo: Cindy's Dachshund (One of our Special Rescue Dogs)

Milo in 2015 when he came into the rescue
Today's blog is a tribute to our friend Cindy's dog, Milo, whom passed last week. We got to know Milo personally and were working with the dachshund rescue that coordinated Milo's and Max's adoptions in 2015. We fostered Max, and our friend April fostered Milo when they came into the rescue.

Back on Nov.7, 2015, Max and Milo, two bonded Dachshunds were adopted by Cindy in Pennsylvania. We immediately befriended Cindy, who as big-hearted as she is, had no problem adopting a bonded pair of dogs into her home. On June 19, 2015, Max, the long haired, black and tan Dachshund passed suddenly from congestive heart failure.

15 SECOND VIDEO OF MILO when he came into the Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue in 2015https://youtu.be/V7eKVJwls6k 

Tom, Rob, Milo, Max and Cindy on adoption day Nov 2015

Milo experienced a number of health issues as he aged, and Cindy was always on top of them. Throughout the years, she's told me how she's slept on the floor with Milo and Max (before Max passed in 2018) to keep them calm, and help during Milo's seizures. Milo's seizures increased in length and intensity over the last 2 years (since Max passed), and he struggled to get up, and seemed to be very uncomfortable despite medications. 

Cindy and I talked the day before she let Milo go to the "rainbow bridge." Our Franklin (who passed on May 8 of this year) experienced many of the same conditions that Milo had. The quality of life just wasn't there anymore and life in pain and total discomfort was hard to bear for Milo and his family. 

As I told Cindy the day after Milo's passing:   Milo is reunited with Max and free of pain, and thankful for how you rescued him and his brother on Nov. 1, 2015. He wants you to remember the total joy that YOU brought him when you enabled him to reunite with Max that day, and you adopted them both -bringing them back together to live the rest of their lives in the BEST home ever.  Milo and Max want you to re-read it, and know how much they love you and how they are so, so, so grateful for you.

Cindy, Max, Milo, Michael

Read the story of their arrival into the Coast to Coast Dachshund Rescue, and how Cindy adopted them here:  Buzzletter story of "Greatest Dog Rescue Story Ever: Max and Milo"

LOOKING BACK:  This is the Meme I made for Milo and Max when they came into the rescue in 2015:

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