Sunday, August 9, 2020

Idiots of the Week: A"Screw COVID" SD Biker Rally for 250,000 without Masks/ Republican Mail carrier guilty of election fraud /

There are a LOT  of idiots this week.
  First, 250,000 bikers are headed to a "Screw COVID19" Rally in South Dakota without masks or protective gear. I hope that South Dakota is ready for an influx of very SICK people... and their hospitals can handle it.  The STUPIDITY of these people are astounding, and sadly, the majority stand behind "you-know-who." 
  The Second idiot worked at the U.S. Postal Service, and I'm sure he doesn't anymore. Obviously he doesn't believe it honest elections, so he changed all the ballots he was delivering in West Virginia to favor Republican candidates. It's funny how that particular party cries about corruption in ballots, when people who support them continue to break the law in their favor. In 2016, there were multiple reports of Republican women voting in different precincts for their conservative candidate.

IDIOT #1:  West Virginia mail carrier guilty of election fraud after altering ballot requests to Republican
Joshua Bote, USA TODAY
,USA TODAY•July 10, 2020

A West Virginia postal carrier pled guilty to mail and election fraud after admitting he changed the political affiliation on multiple voter ballots from Democrat to Republican. Thomas Cooper, 47, admitted to attempted election fraud and injury to the mail Thursday after an affidavit was filed against him in May.Cooper held a contract with the U.S. Postal Service to pick up mail in three towns in Pendleton County.

In April, per a statement from the Department of Justice, the county clerk found absentee ballot requests from eight voters that were tampered with a black ink pen, five of which had their party affiliation switched to Republican. Three others that had their affiliation already set to Republican were altered, but did not have their political party changed. All ballots were located in Pendleton County.  Bennie Cogar, a West Virginia Attorney General's Office investigator working on behalf of the secretary of state's office, said in the affidavit filed in May that Cooper admitted to having tampered with some of the requests he delivered "as a joke."

MANY IDIOTS #2: 'Screw COVID’: 250,000 Bikers to Defy Common Sense for Nine Days at Sturgis, So. Dakota  Rally

This past Friday, August 7, was the official start of the 80th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, where 250,000 people are expected to gather in the South Dakota town of that name for nine days of defying proven precautions against the spread of COVID-19. “Nobody is social distancing and none of them are wearing masks,” local psychologist Michael Fellner told The Daily Beast. “None.”

Attendees and lifelong Sturgis resident named Bob Davis summed up his own stupidity when he said, "Freedom, God, and Donald Trump."

The Sturgis Rally’s own official website has a “COVID tracker” tab that links to the South Dakota Health Department site, where offerings include a risk assessment for public gatherings. “Highest risk: Large, in-person gatherings where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and attendees travel from multiple areas,” it advises.

Some will have purchased one of the souvenir T-shirts that retired school counselor Linda Chaplin of Sturgis saw a street vendor selling. The front reads: “Screw COVID-19 I came to Sturgis”

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