Thursday, August 20, 2020

Good News Rescue Story: Dog rescued from 60m cliff face in England

Imagine hiking in the woods with your dog, and your dog breaks away to chase after a deer... then you see your dog fall over a 60 foot cliff face, and get caught up in trees, out of reach. That's what happened in England last month, and it took a team to rescue this dog! Here's the story from the BBC News:

Dog rescued from 60m cliff face in Devon  England

Rescuer on cliffImage copyrightDEVON CAVE RESCUE ORGANISATIO
Image captionVolunteers "risked their lives" to abseil down the cliff face, owner Sian Upcott said

A dog tumbled down a sheer cliff face and spent three days "wedged" behind a tree 60m (200ft) above the ground.
Four-year-old Freya vanished while following a deer scent during a walk near Chimney Rock, on the Devon and Cornwall border, on Sunday.
Hundreds shared an appeal to find the Huntaway cross collie, but it was another dog who tracked her down.
Owner Sian Upcott said she "didn't know whether to laugh or cry" as volunteers completed a daring abseil rescue.
Devon Cave Rescue Organisation, which brought Freya to safety on Wednesday, said she was trapped "in a very precarious place".
Members Joe Cartwright and Rick Stewart abseiled over the ledge and brought her down in a bag.

Freya on cliff faceImage copyrightDEVON CAVE RESCUE ORGANISATION
Image captionFreya had three days with no food or water on the cliff face

"The rescue was terrifying - I was standing there open-mouthed with my hands over my face," Ms Upcott said.
"The Devon cave rescue guys just came out and just all dropped everything and risked their lives," she said.
Ms Upcott, 53, said she was staggered and "overwhelmed" at people's kindness.

Sian Upcott with Freya and rescuerImage copyrightALICE VICTORIA
Image captionSian Upcott, Freya's owner, said she didn't sleep for three days and nights while she was missing

Her daughter Alice, 25, said Facebook posts asking for help to find Freya had been shared "well over 1,000 times".
"The amount of people who were out looking for her day and night was incredible," she said.
Eventually a pair of walkers found Freya after their terrier refused to leave a spot overlooking the cliff.

Freya the dog with rescuersImage copyrightDEVON CAVE RESCUE ORGANISATION
Image captionFreya's rescuers abseiled down a sheer cliff face in expansive woodland to save her

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