Thursday, July 9, 2020

Actor Dean Cain: Once Portrayed Superman, Now He's the Opposite

I'm a huge Superman fan and I am saddened and even disgusted with actor Dean Cain who portrayed my hero in a 1990s series, because he now stands opposite the qualities of the Man of Steel.
   Last week, Cain went on Fox News and complained about wearing a mask on a flight, and discouraged people from wearing them during this Pandemic! How stupid. How careless. How reckless.
    THERE'S MORE - He demonstrated he's intolerant of immigrants and people of color (and I bet LGBT people). He told Fox, "I promise you, as Superman, I wouldn't today be allowed to say 'truth, justice, and the American way." WTH?
    The words come at the end of one of Superman's most iconic catch-phrase, that he fights for "truth, justice, and the American way." It's a phrase that's been associated with the character for decades, and despite what Cain things, it's still being used.
   AN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE FROM SUPERMAN COMICS WRITER: Prominent comics writer Tom King quickly took Cain to task for his claim, sharing a photo of a comic he'd written and published in 2020 ("Superman: Up in the Sky") that uses the iconic phrase "and the American Way." He also used some choice words to get Cain's attention ... and it worked! King also slammed Cain for telling people not to wear masks during the pandemic.

Superman vs. Hitler (DC Comics) 
REMEMBER THAT SUPERMAN HIMSELF IS AN IMMIGRANT-  Superman is an Alien from the Planet Krypton. Throughout comics history, Superman has stood for ALL people. He has fought for immigrants like himself, stood up against oppression - battling the Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan.
SUPERMAN BATTLED THE KKK AND NAZIS -  Sadly, Dean Cain is totally opposite. He said he voted for Trump and supports intolerance of immigrants and apparently has no issue with Nazis or the KKK.

    The Evening Standard reported:
Superman battles the KKK (DC Comics 2020)
    Ex-Superman actor Dean Cain has left fans scratching their heads after a bizarre interview in which he compared “cancel culture” to George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Cain, 53, is best-known for starring in a TV series about the superhero in the nineties and during an appearance on Fox News, he claimed the show would be censored if it was airing nowadays. "This whole cancel culture thing that we're living in right now is crazy," he said. "It's like an early version of George Orwell's 1984. Up is down, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.” Continuing with his Orwellian comparison, Cain added: “You know, that's newspeak, and it's crazy... This stuff just all drives me insane."
    CAIN'S RIGHT-WING STANCE - In 2018, he was elected to the board for the National Rifle Association.  Cain is a frequent guest on Fox News and while he has previously described himself as “not a Republican, I am an Independent,” he endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential run in 2016. In the election prior, he supported Republican candidate Rick Perry.
1960s DC Comics- Superman stands for all people

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